Chapter 32

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Jungkook had no choice but to let Lisa return to the recording studio with her leg in a cast.

He was on set, and with his status as a family member, he put a lot of pressure on the director. He didn’t even let Lisa do slightly difficult tasks. Sumin had been pushing Lisa’s wheelchair for the whole day, and her hands were a little sore. She didn’t feel very comfortable when she practiced her guitar at night!

Nayeon said to her, “I really envy sister Lisa’s husband. He’s rich and powerful, and his figure isn’t bad!”

Sumin smiled. “The key is that Mr. Jeon is really good to Lisa! He keeps a close watch on her. I’ve always felt that Lisa is a little too hard-working!”

“Yes! Yes, Lisa is the kind of person that can rely on her looks, but she insists on relying on her talent”

“She is indeed very hard-working!” Sumin said.

Eunbi spent a day in fear and left with Wonwoo on the first flight in the evening. She didn’t know if Lisa really didn’t discovered anything or if Lisa had other plans, but she listened to Jihyun and returned to T City. On the way back, she even asked Wonwoo about her situation!

Wonwoo didn’t know about the grudge between Eunbi and Lisa, but he found it strange. Why was Eunbi’s attitude so strange?!

Lisa was injured, but she, as her younger sister, didn’t go to the hospital to visit her. Instead, she said that she had something urgent to do at school and was rushing back to school with him!

For the remaining few days of filming, Jungkook had been accompanying Lisa. Assistant Kim, who had always been under high pressure, wasn’t used to the ease of the past few days!

After the second episode of recording ended, the director told Lisa that the previous episode of recording would start very soon. When the time came, they would see the reactions of the audience. They would make changes to the relevant items later on. Anyway, such a thing wouldn’t happen again this time!

After returning to T City, Lisa was forced to rest at home. Every day was very boring. Because of Jungkook’s unyielding attitude, Lisa’s scenes were forced to be filmed afterwards. The production crew was also very dissatisfied with Lisa’s matter. However, after receiving the 20 million investment from President Jeon, they shut their mouths!

He was waiting for Lisa to get better quickly. He wanted to give her whatever she wanted. Of course, this was done without Lisa knowing! Lisa was still thinking about the kindness of the film crew. Everyone was too friendly!

Regarding all the compassion in the world, it might be a coincidence, or because someone blocked out all the evils of the world for you, so the beauties of the world are all you see!

Lisa, who was bored at home, began to wreak havoc in the kitchen every day. Aunt Sun looked at the way she held her crutch and felt frightened every day. It had been a long time since she was this nervous about taking care of a child. However, her days were getting more and more interesting!

Jungkook was also touched and troubled by Lisa’s punctual feeding every day. He was lucky to have a romantic lunch with his wife every day. Even though the taste was ever-changing and often bad, she accompanied him to eat together. It was wonderful to have a beautiful woman by his side!

He felt frustrated that he could see her, but he couldn’t bang her. Moreover, Lisa’s ability to act clingy and coquettishly was growing day by day. He really couldn’t hold it in any longer!

Eunbi didn’t hear the news that Jungkook and Lisa weren’t getting along. Instead, she found that the way everyone looked at her in school was getting stranger and stranger! Many people were pointing at her, and more and more people were looking at her with disdain!

On this day, Eunbi was stopped by a few girls in the corridor. The girl in the lead suddenly stepped forward and splashed a basin of paint on Eunbi. Eunbi was scared out of her wits. The red paint all over her body looked terrifying!

The girl seemed to be very satisfied. “You’ve done so many bad things! You like being a mistress, right? Isn’t it just hooking up with someone else’s boyfriend? There’s money to be made and people to coax! Is it great?”

Eunbi was furious. If it weren’t for the fact that there were so many of them, Eunbi would have fought back long ago. “I wasn’t the one who did all those things!”

“Don’t explain it to me. I won’t listen anyway!” The girl said as she stepped forward and stood in front of her. “Sometimes, if you’re too greedy, you’ll die a horrible death! Don’t steal other people’s things, or else I’ll cut off your hand, understand?” Her expression was extremely arrogant and crazy. Eunbi was a little scared!

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