Chapter 140

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Blake asked Drake, “Brother! Why isn’t there a bowl in front of that stinky beggar? Why is he still lying there? Is he dead?”

Drake was a handsome young man in white. He looked gentle and kind, but there was a hint of evil in his eyes. He smiled and said, “He is... sunbathing!”

“Sunbathing!? Stinky beggar, he is almost starving to death, but he is still sunbathing! Bring me to tease him!”

The smile on the corner of Drake’s mouth carried a hint of mockery. He did not stop his sister’s willful nonsense. He wanted to see just who this brother was!

He, Drake, boasted that he had the ability to read people’s bones and cut off their past lives. This ‘stinky beggar’ had such a unique bone structure. He was probably not an ordinary person. He still had some schemes in this city. It would be good for Blake to test him out!

Ken took off his straw hat and revealed a face full of dirt and mud. He lay comfortably in the corner, drinking fine wine and basking in the sun. He was helpless. There were always people disturbing his leisure!

First, an unruly and cute girl came forward to talk to him. “Hey! Stinky beggar!” Following behind, another rich young master with a servant threw a few copper coins at him!

Ken was, after all, a former minister who was in charge of killing. Although he was down and out now, he was not taken care of as a beggar! Although he looked like a beggar!

He reached out to touch the copper coins on his body and turned over to sleep. This servant was stupid, but this young master was still reasonable. He scolded, “Who asked you to throw it on him!”

“How about I treat you to a meal!” Blake smiled and teased him!

Ken looked at her and saw that she was a mischievous girl. He replied, “This little good person, why don’t you treat me to a drink!” As he said that, he waved the empty wine gourd in his hand!

“Okay! I’ll treat you to a drink now!” Blake’s lightness skill was extremely beautiful. It was taught by Drake himself! Holding the wine pot in her hand, she lightly walked to Ken’s side. “Here you go!”

Ken acted like a drunkard, took the wine pot, and gulped down a few mouthfuls. “Good wine, good wine!”

Blake looked at him for fun, and a cunning light flashed in her eyes. She said, “You drank so quickly! Aren’t you afraid that the wine will be poisonous and make you suffer?”

Ken gulped down the fine wine and didn’t care much. “Good wine! It’s worth it even if you die from poisoning!”

Looking at the young man in luxurious clothes, Blake asked, “Hmph! Let me ask you, why did they give you money but you did not want it and only drink wine? You are such a crafty beggar!”

Ken laughed loudly. “Who said I’m a beggar? It’s just that the sun is warm and I’m basking in it!”

Blake heard what he said and was stunned. She turned around to look at her brother. Drake had a smile on his face. She could tell that he was saying that he had won!

Blake flew into a rage out of humiliation. “Good! You are trying to trick me into drinking! Give it back to me!”

Ken dodged lightly. His movement technique was much faster than hers. The two of them did not get along. Blake attacked him, but he resolved them one by one. “I won’t return the wine. I want my life!”

“Do you think I don’t dare?” Blake said as she went up to fight with him. Ken was dealing with her, but he did not treat her seriously. He only showed his cowardice in every way. If outsiders saw it, they would think that Blake was bullying others!

The youth beside her was one of them. He quickly said, “Miss, your kung fu is beautiful! But you can’t use it to bully the weak, right?”

Blake turned around. “Stop nagging! This Miss will cut off your tongue first!”

Jungkook looked at her, held her hand, and said with a smile, “You acted really well! You really look like a bully!”

Lisa smiled. “Blake is unruly and willful, but she is not bad in nature! She just entered the human world, so it’s understandable that she doesn’t know about human relations!”

“I’ve never seen you shoot this martial arts scene before!” Jungkook asked.

“You’ve never seen so many of them! Don’t you know that when you went to watch, we had already shot a lot of scenes?”

Jungkook pinched her face. “Not bad, Heroine Blake!”

The audience was attracted by the story. Drake looked far-sighted, while Ken was full of doubts. The wonderful martial arts in the scene and the makeup that gave full marks added a lot of color to this drama!

Jimin was captivated by the plot. This was different from the scene at the beginning of the book. However, a successful movie did not copy everything exactly. More importantly, one had to understand the story, be able to grasp the rhythm, and not collapse the character’s character characteristics! These requirements might not seem high, but if one really did it, it would be very difficult!

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