Chapter 87

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The recording of the first episode of [Night Listening] was perfect, and the feedback from the fans was especially good. The entry of ‘Love Guru Lisa’ was played by everyone to their heart’s content!

[Is Lisa changing her profession? Love guru!? I’m about to cry!]

[Sister Lisa’s words sound so reasonable! What’s there to be afraid of, bro? If you like her, go chase her! It’s fine even if you fail! There are many single beauties among Sister Lisa’s fans!]

[What’s the poster above doing! Hahaha!]

[I’m single and can be flirted with!]

[That’s right! People living in this world already have all kinds of pain! If you can leave less regret for yourself, then do it!]

[Sister, you have a story!]

[I can understand it! More or less, they are people with some stories! Who has never fallen out of love or met one or two scumbags!?]

[From the empathy and emotional analysis here, we can see that Lisa is a good actress! Excellent!]

[The career fans in front are really hard-working! Sisters, you’ve worked hard! Hahaha!]

Every time Lisa appeared, it was a carnival for her and her fans. Oh no! It was mainly the fans’ own carnival!

Jungkook was outside the recording site, parking the car and waiting for Lisa to come out. Every time Lisa came over, he would personally pick her up and drive her. Anyway, it was very close to the company, so it wouldn’t take up too much of his time at work! Therefore, he was fully focused on playing the role of her personal driver!

After putting on the seatbelt for Lisa, she was still waving goodbye to Junmyeon and Baekyhun who were standing outside the car. Lisa looked so happy!

‘Why didn’t I realize that you were so artistic in the past?!” Jungkook started the car and asked.

Lisa looked at Mr. Jeon and smiled. “Doesn’t that depend on you slowly uncovering it? I’m just that outstanding!”

Jungkook nodded and looked at her dotingly. “Yes! But…”


‘Why do I feel like you’re very experienced? Have you been in a lot of relationships before?” There was nothing else in the man’s tone, but there was a hint of jealousy in his deep eyes!

Lisa looked at his side profile and smiled quietly. “What’s wrong? The child is about to come out, and you’re still jealous?

“Can’t I?” Jungkook drove and chatted with Lisa. This overbearing CEO was different. Even when he was jealous, he was so different, as if it was only natural!

Lisa sneakily kissed his face. “You can! But, I don’t have anything for you to be jealous of. I’ll leave all my feelings to you alone!”

The smile on Jungkook’s lips turned into substance. It could be seen that he was very satisfied with Lisa’s answer!

“I'll believe you for the time being!”

Lisa could sense the delicacy of people’s feelings. It had nothing to do with how many relationships she had. Anyone who had experienced a lifetime of frustrations and entanglements would have a profound and different understanding of these things. It was as if after experiencing the vast sea, it was still the same as before!

This was the most valuable thing about Lisa. She would not deny and despise herself because of the pain in the past. Instead, she would cherish the person in front of her and live well every day with the person she loved!

In the evening, Sumin called Lisa. She was late for the first episode of the recording because of her schedule. However, they had already finalized the recording contract for the next episode!

“1 listened to today’s program! It’s not bad, Lisa!” Sumin said.

Lisa couldn’t get over Sumins lack of promise over the phone. “Hmph! You promised me! There’s nothing I can do about it. This isn’t something one hotpot can solve! It has to be two meals!”

Sumin laughed out loud. She knew Lisa wasn’t really angry. “Okay, okay! I know it’s my fault! Two meals are fine. Put It on the tab first!”

‘You still owe me a lot! I don’t know when you’ll be able to pay me back!” Lisa said.

Sumin was also a little upset because she missed the recording of this episode. One had to know that [Night Listening] wasn’t something that anyone could get on just because they wanted to. Lisa would always think of her the moment she had any resources. She was very touched. In this circle, there were really not many celebrities who valued relationships like Lisa!

The two of them also tacitly did not explicitly talk about these things..

Naturally, they tacitly considered each other’s feelings! This was what the fans had said about their ‘celestial sisterhood’!

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