Chapter 217-218

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“Everyone should stop the losses in time!” Changmin looked at Wonwoo. He smiled and said, “Wonwoo is a young and talented man! His ability is very good! He is also the only direct descendant of the Jeon family. I vote for him! He will be the leader of the Jeon family. I think he can bring a new atmosphere to the Jeon family!”

Everyone in the venue quieted down immediately. Was the Jeon family going to turn the sky upside down?!

Jeon Si looked at Jungkook’s smiling and silent expression and frowned. “Let’s not talk about what happened to Seojoon first! Jungkook has indeed brought losses to the company! Wonwoo is younger than you, so this suggestion... is not impossible!”

Lisa smiled. “Fourth Uncle, are you out of your mind? You really have the nerve to say such a suggestion of buying a casket and returning a pearl! What? The Jeon family has already made a decision for you?”

“B*stard! You have no right to interrupt when we are talking!” Jeon Si stood up and pointed at Lisa as he cursed!

Lisa looked at him and was about to retaliate when an authoritative voice came from behind him. “Lisa is the daughter-in-law of the Jeon family who has been listed in the family tree! Why doesn’t she have the right to speak!”

Old Madam Jeon slowly walked in. Everyone in the venue stood up and looked at her with respect!

“It’s you, Old Fourth Jeon! You’re biased because of a little smelly money!” Old Madam Jeon narrowed her eyes. A cold light shot out from inside. “You don’t even care about your face! Jungkook is Wonwoo’s Second Uncle, the rule of seniority! Where did that pig brain of yours throw him to?!”

Jeon Si was scolded by Old Madam Jeon until his head was drenched in dog blood. His face flushed red, but he did not say anything else.

Lisa stood up and went to help the old lady, calling out, “Grandma!” The old woman patted her hand and walked in. When she reached Changmin’s side, she stopped.

“It’s not up to an outsider like you to say who is in charge of the Jeon family! Young man, don’t be blinded by one leaf! Your Son family may have some strength, but in front of the Jeon family, it’s better to keep your tail between your legs!”

Changmin was angered by the old lady’s rebuke, and the smile on his face was a little forced. “I’m afraid that the old lady has been observing the situation from a well for too long and can’t see the situation clearly?”

“What situation? That small business on the surface of the river has made you so full of guts that you don’t even have a brain?” The old lady was not someone who was easy to talk to. Back when she was in charge of the Jeon family, Changmin was still playing with mud.


She turned to look at Wonwoo and gave him a slap. Wonwoo did not dodge.

“Do you understand this slap?” she asked.

Wonwoo looked at her coldly. The old lady shook her head. “It seems like you don’t understand! I’ll talk about you later!”

Lisa’s smile became more real. Grandma Jeon was mighty!

The old lady sat beside Jungkook and looked at the people below. “We are all old people in the family, or long-time friends! Have you been idle for too long recently? How could you deceive us with such methods? The Jeon family’s business can only belong to the Jeon family. The rules of the past hundred years can not be ruined today!”

“Old lady! We understand what you mean! You are an elder, and we all respect and love you! But you can’t use your power to oppress others! Everyone has seen the share price of the Jeon family today!”

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