Chapter 164

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The wind at the foot of the mountain in the early morning was cold to the face. Lisa wrapped her clothes tightly. Jungkook reached out to press down on her hat and looked at the evergreen pines at the foot of Chestnut Mountain!

"This is it. Let's walk the rest of the way up!" Grandma held her cane in her hand and was followed by an aunt. She was a servant of the old residence and was called Auntie Xue.

Auntie Xue supported the old lady and said respectfully to Jungkook, "Young Master, the stone steps on the mountain are slippery. You have to look after Young Madam! It's not easy for her to walk!"

Jungkook nodded and looked at the old lady worriedly. He turned around to look at Uncle Sun. Uncle Sun understood and nodded as he walked behind them!

Although Grandma Jeon was old, she didn't admit defeat at all. She had walked all the way from the foot of the mountain to the entrance of the temple. They didn't even hear her say that she was tired!

On the other hand, Lisa's body was warm from walking. Occasionally, she had to hold Jungkook's hand and rest for a while before she could continue walking. She smiled bitterly at Jungkook and said, "I even said that I would take care of Grandma! In the end, I almost couldn't even protect myself! I've really been slacking off recently. Fortunately, you followed me. Otherwise, I would have dragged everyone down!"

Jungkook looked at her and smiled. He handed her some water. "Your situation is the most special. We can't compete with you!" Although Grandma Jeon was old, her physique wasn't as 'delicate' as their superstar!

Pointing at the temple door in front, Jungkook said, "It's right in front!"

Lisa looked at him and asked, "Have you been here before?"

Jungkook nodded, held her waist, and led her upstairs. "I've been here once, but I didn't go in."

Lisa wanted to ask why, but her words just got stuck in her throat. The temple door was pulled open from the inside, and an old monk with a white beard walked out. His eyebrows were all white, and only his eyebrows were black. He had a round face with a scar on his head, and he looked very amiable!

"Master has been waiting for you inside for a long time. Please come with me!" he said.

Lisa glanced at Jungkook, and her small face was full of curiosity about the great master. "How did he know when we would come?"

Jungkook squeezed her hand and said, "I don't know. Let's go in and take a look."

Grandma Jeon and Auntie Xue led the way. Lisa and Jungkook followed behind, and Uncle Sun followed behind. The group of people followed the old monk into the temple!

In fact, it was still early. It was only around 8 in the morning. Lisa was still a little surprised by the hard work of the monks in the temple!

There were people doing morning exercises, carrying water to cook, and cleaning the stone steps. It was just like what was shown on TV. Lisa looked very curious. She looked around only to see Jungkook holding her hand and walking all the way!

After passing through a few circular arches, the monk in front stopped. He pointed to the waterside pavilion on the stone steps and said, "Master is inside. You all came early. I guess you haven't had your breakfast yet! Let's go in first. I'll make the arrangements!"

Grandma Jeon nodded and thanked him. Lisa nodded and said, "Thank you!"

After the monk left, she turned to look at Jungkook and said, "They're so nice. They still serve food? This is different from TV!"

Jungkook gently pinched her nose. He laughed and said, "Grandma comes here often. Isn't it normal to eat vegetarian food? Don't make a fuss over it. You're even a big star and actress. You're a joke to others!" He said these slightly reproachful words, but his eyes were full of indulgence!

Grandma Jeon stood in front and saw that the two of them were still whispering to each other. She couldn't help but laugh. "You two, come on up! Let's go in together."

Jungkook pushed open the curtain of the waterside pavilion and Grandma Jeon walked in. She bowed respectfully to the old man who was sitting in the middle with his eyes closed.

Lisa stood beside Jungkook and bowed with the old lady!

"Mrs. Jeon, we haven't seen each other for a long time!" he said clearly. His voice didn't sound like an old man who was more than 100 years old. It was very cheerful, and it made people feel as if they were bathed in the spring breeze! Lisa raised her head and saw that his hair was completely white, but his eyes were clear and bright. Lisa suddenly felt that he looked somewhat familiar!

Grandma smiled lightly and replied, "Yes, it's been a long time since we last met. Master is still shining brightly! But I'm getting old!" She turned around and pointed at Jungkook, then said, "This time, I brought my grandson to visit you. I don't know if there will be a next time!"

With a knowing smile, his entire face relaxed, making people feel close to him for no reason. "There's no need to force fate. On the contrary, there will be more worries. What I hope for is to have a clear conscience. That's the best."

Lisa felt very comfortable listening to his words. His understanding gaze swept past Jungkook and slowly turned to her. "Returned people, do you have any regrets in your heart?"

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