Chapter 15

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Sure enough, the next second, Lisa’s psyche power affected Irene. Irene tripped over her right foot with her left foot and fell heavily in front of everyone. The difficulty of her posture was too high, and the fall was pitiful and ugly. It took everyone quite a while to react.

The scene was a mess. Jieun protected Lisa and quietly retreated. The group’s doctor said that her cervical vertebra was twisted. It was quite serious, and she had to go to the hospital! The group of people hugged each other and rushed to the hospital in a hubbub. They wouldn’t be able to record today!

Irene was seriously injured and couldn’t keep up with the post-filming. The program team had rearranged their schedule overnight. The last day of filming was completed by Lisa and the other two girls!

In fact, there were almost no tasks for today. They were only doing the last day of filming for the current episode and were going to the sea of flowers together to do a shoot of the sea of flowers tourism promotion with the program team!

The weather was very good today. It wasn’t hot like a few days ago, and the program team didn’t have Irene, who was difficult to deal with. The three girls’ journey seemed much more relaxed and happy!

The Phoenix Cry Sea of Flowers was a very famous scenic spot in the local area. Although it wasn’t the peak season now, there were still hundreds of flowers blooming to attract tourists. Beautiful things attracted people’s attention, and so did flowers and people!

Lisa was wearing a white dress today and was holding a special bamboo basket in her hand. There were fruits and cold drinks inside. She wore a big sun hat on her head. Her simple beauty stunned Sumin and Nayeon. There was never a shortage of beautiful women in their circle, but it was rare to see someone like Lisa!

Along the way, the cameraman didn’t stop filming. Lisa was too beautiful. How could such a person not be popular? The director and producer looked at her and thought, maybe the next superstar was right in front of them!

The filming of the promotional film was also very smooth. It was the last day, and the next time they would see each other would be a week later. After the work was done, the director gave everyone a half-day off. Lisa pulled Sumin into the scenic area. She had promised to accompany Sumin to paint here!

Sumin set up the easel and focused on her work. Lisa was still taking pictures with her camera. After a while, she was tired and walked back to Sumin!

Looking at Sumin’s work, she gave her a thumbs up. “Amazing!”

Sumin smiled and pointed at the girl in white.

“This is me?” Lisa asked in surprise!

“Yes, it’s you!” Sumin’s smile widened as she looked at her.

“Wow! Sumin! You’re too impressive!” Lisa said as he hugged Sumin tightly and didn’t let go. Her coquettish tone made Sumin feel bashful, not to mention Jungkook, who was standing not far behind her!

Jieun led Jungkook to stand in the distance. She was a little nervous because he was too intimidating and because Lisa was almost bullied yesterday!

Jungkook’s secretary and Jieun looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding! Jungkook had informed Jieun that he was coming to pick Lisa up a day in advance. Lisa didn’t know that Jungkook wanted to see Lisa’s expression when she suddenly saw him!

However, Jungkook only saw the girl who had confessed to him that day hugging another girl and acting like a spoiled child. Although they were both girls, Jungkook still felt jealous!

As if Jungkook’s gaze was too intimidating, Sumin turned her head, and Lisa also turned her head. When she saw Jungkook, Lisa was stunned, as if she had not expected it at all. However, the sudden smile on her face let Jungkook know that he was right to come!

Lisa let go of Sumin and ran toward Jungkook. The girl’s dress fluttered, and she threw herself into the man’s embrace!

Her joy and love were so obvious that Jungkook was shocked! He opened his arms and hugged her. In the sea of flowers, she carried the fragrance of flowers and truly walked into his world!

This scene was too beautiful, so much so that Sumin felt that the scene was filled with happiness even when she thought about it later on!

Hence, there was the popular “The Language of Flowers”! Of course, this was for the future!

Lisa hugged the man and pressed her face against his chest. Her voice was muffled. “Why are you here?”

Jungkook lowered his head to look at her. His eyes were full of mirth, and his tone was filled with affection. “Didn’t you miss me? I’m here to bring you home.”

Lisa really wanted to kiss this man. How could he be so charming? His chest was so broad, his arms were so strong, and he treated her so well! However, there were too many people around her, and she was too embarrassed to!

Sumin came back to her senses and asked softly, “Lisa, this is?”

Lisa wanted to turn around to answer Sumin, but a certain someone refused to let go. She could only tilt her head and say to Sumin, “My husband! Jungkook.”

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