Chapter 2

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"In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present."

— Sir Francis Bacon

There was a council gathering in the war room later that evening. Everyone was talking about the war with Fjerda. After what had happened at the coronation there was no other way. It was the end of any diplomacy with them.

«Our army is in terrible condition,» said Nikolai. He looked so tired after that day. I was sitting beside him, and from time to time he reached for my hand.

«We need to gather all remaining Grisha,» said Zoya.

I cast a glance at her.

«I told you that I want to complete the Second Army with volunteers, not to force every Grisha in it. It must be a choice to be a soldier or not,» I said.

«Fjerdans hate Grisha, and now, they want to use us as a weapon by some drug,» she replied.

«Alright, you will go and search Grisha around the country. But give them the right to choose. You need to say to them, that all Grisha in this country is under my protection now. And everyone who will hurt one of us, because of who we are, will be mercilessly punished,» my voice sounded confident while I was speaking.

«Sounds familiar,» said Zoya.

I arched my eyebrows.

«What do you mean?»

«Once I heard something similar from the late Second army general.»

«Maybe he was right about that.»

I felt how Nikolai squeezed my hand. I didn't need to look at him to guess his facial expression.

«So, you, Zoya, you will depart to search for new Grisha recruits.»

«Alina...» She started, but I stopped her.

«I don't need you to question my decisions.»

She snorted.

«As you wish, moya soverena.»

«That's all for today,» said Nikolai.

I wanted to stand up, but Nikolai didn't release my hand.

«You stay, Alina. A minute alone.»

I nodded. When everyone left the room, Nikolai gave me a glass of whisky.

«I'm not certain that you like it, but I don't have something else here.»

«I need something strong after today,» I replied and made a sip from my glass. It had a strong saturated taste with little bitterness. I liked it, so made one more sip. It warmed me inside.

«Alina, I'm worried about you. What you did today...» he made a sip and continued «not many people saw that. I need to ask you to keep this secret for some time. You are the Sun Summoner, the savior. But possessing the Darkling's power will scare people. This is for your gain.»

I chuckled.

«Once more in my life I need to hide my power.»

«As I said, this is for your gain,» he tried to take my hand again, but I took it away.

«Good. I will think about this while my travel to Shu Han. I will depart earlier, we need allies in the war with Fjerda.»

He nodded. I emptied my glass and stood up, Nikolai was watching me.

«I will leave the day after tomorrow. Now we both need to rest. My king,» I curtseyed.

When I was walking through the hallways of the Grand Palace, shadows accompanied me. My new room there was near Nicolai's. The king and queen's quarters.

Find me in the shadows (Darklina fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now