Chapter 19

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Tom held the door open for me and I walked past him while he waited a few more minutes while I went back down the aisle to the others. When I got there, all three had headphones on to protect themselves from Marie. I grinned at them and caught the group's attention. "Hey, you're still alive!" Max said and Harry jokingly joined him: "Oh god, where's Tom? Did you kill him?!" "No, no all good. He still has to answer an email or something. I have no idea what he wanted to do!" "Want to sit down?" "Where? It's already full!" I asked in surprise. "Exactly Sherlock!" Marie spat, but I didn't even look at her. If I didn't respond, she would only get annoyed more. "Hey Tom, we thought Phoebe killed you because you were in a bad mood!" "No, I'm still alive. I was just stressed out by all the emails earlier!" He replied, now standing behind me. "And you had to fix it!" Louise said to me. I just nodded in response before I replied: "Yes, but now everything is clarified!". "Since there is no place here Phoebe, I asked where we can eat!" Tom said and disappeared without any reply.
A few minutes later he came back and we looked at him. "Well, we can eat in the two armchairs!" "Okay then let's go!" I said and walked ahead. Before that, I said goodbye and went further forward in the plane towards the pilot.
Shortly after we were seated, two stewardesses arrived with two meals as well as cups and a pot of tea. They put the plates on the side by the window and stretched towards Tom. I found it very amusing to watch the two of them to get his attention. But at some point, they realized that they were only bothering us while we were eating and disappeared again. The food smelled like heaven and I grabbed my fork and spoon before started eating the noodles. I was terribly hungry and almost devoured my food within a few minutes. Tom, on the other hand, hadn't really eaten much. "Do you what my food? I'm not hungry!" Tom asked me as I was about to put my plate down. I nodded and we exchanged plates. Tom watched me and after a few spoonfuls of pasta this plate was empty too, I put it aside and leaned back. A bit tired I rub over my full stomach and I decide now to stretch out my feet. I let the sleep take over me and close my eyes for a bit, but after a few minutes, I hear a sound, which I couldn't identify. So I open my eyes again and see that the sound came from Tom, who patted the seat next to me. I pulled my feet towards me and slipped out of my sneakers. I now placed my feet next to my boss's body. I patted the seat next to me as well and a grin spread across his face. He laughed and now also took off his shoes. When I looked at his socks I had to laugh now. I could actually have guessed it - Spiderman socks. "You're really like a kid sometimes, you know that?" "Hmm yeah, I also have Spiderman bed linen at my parents house!" We both laughed and Tom was already clutching his stomach in pain. After we had calmed down, we just looked out the window and enjoyed the quiet. Tom had pulled my legs up onto his thighs and was massaging my feet a bit while I absent-mindedly drew patterns on his leg with my fingers.
We just enjoy our peace and quiet, even when the flight attendant announced to us a little later that we should prepare for the landing.

In Seattle, we landed the jet on the runway and the plane drove to the parking space.
Because we were seated closer to the door, Tom and I got out quicker than the other group members. "Okay, one more interview today and then a photo shoot tomorrow and a meeting with other Marvel actors. Tomorrow evening then no appointments and the day after that either. Then on Thursday another interview, a radio interview and late in the evening then the flight to Vancouver!" I told my boss while we waited in the car for the others before we drive to the hotel.
Together we drove through Seattle, drove past the Space Needle and Central Library
to our hotel - the Four Seasons Hotel. It got again about in with hotel we were
staying and there was already a group of fans in front of the hotel. The bus did not stop at the entrance as planned but drove through the parking garage to the delivery entrance. We all climbed out together and met our tour guide Matthew at the back entrance. "Okay, we are on floors 49 and 51. You have to pick up your keys at the reception downstairs. I still have appointments now and if something is up! You can only call me on my phone in extreme emergencies!" We nodded to him silently
before he said goodbye: "See you tomorrow then!" I looked after him for a moment before rolling with my rucksack on my back and my suitcase, following the others into the hotel.
When we check into a new hotel, it's always been the same. We either already had
the keys or I picked them up for me and Tom from reception. Since I was also able to get away from the fans much quicker than my boss.
A young lady was standing at the reception and gave me a friendly look. "Hello! How
can I help you?" "Hi. I'm here to pick up two room keys for Tom Holland. I'm his assistant!" I replied, pulling out my lanyard with my Marvel Crew ID and ID and
putting it on the counter to check. She took it and looked at it more closely, typed around the computer and handed it back to me. "Thank you, Miss, here are the keys. I wish you a pleasant stay with us, you will find all the information in the rooms and just call if you have any questions!" "Yes, thank you, have a nice evening!" I said goodbye and went to the elevator. From the elevator I could see fans looking into the hotel lobby from outside. But now the doors closed and the elevator began to move.
On floor 51, the doors opened with the typical bing and I stepped out with a searching look. My gaze fell on two security men who smiled at me as they saw the ID card dangling around my neck. I walked past them and saw Tom sitting in one of the armchairs in a lounge suite with his younger brother sitting across from him, phone in hand. "Hey Hollands!" I greeted them and they both looked at me as I approached them with my suitcase. "Hey" "Hey there!" It came back from both of them and I had to grin at Harry's words. Just as Harry saw me he went with his stuff to his hotel room. "So here are your keys, I'm two rooms ahead of you! See you guys later at the interview!" I said and threw the key to my boss. I slowly go my way through the corridors with my suitcase and after a few turns, I found my room. Relieved and a little exhausted, I put the card on the lock and opened the door. The room was nice and more than I expected. The room is like a large tube with a view over water through a glass wall, with an armchair and a small table in front of it. The biggest part of the room was taken by the bed and in front of it the TV.
It's a nice room such a shame that I don't use it much.
I lay down on the bed and looked outside when my phone rang and Harry's picture flashed. "Hey what's up?" I answered the FaceTime call. "Hey, so I'm already at Tom's, he's taking a shower and I should ask you if we want to have something to eat at Tom's after his interview?" He told me, "And Tom will pay for everything!" He whispered now. "Well, then I'm totally in for it!" "Okay, what do you want to eat?" " about...sushi or burgers?" "Yeah okay! Then it's decided I'm going to order burgers. Any extra requests?" Harry asked again. "Yeah fries, mayo and that sauce we always get from London, I always forget the name!" I said questioningly into the camera, trying to remember the name. "Yeah I know which one you mean and I know the name! You're so lucky to have me!" He said into the camera with his trademark smug grin.
As we finished our conversation, I checked my watch. It was already shortly after
7 pm and the interview with Tom went live on the show at 8 pm. I quickly went to the bathroom to fresh myself up a bit. I packed my backpack and then went to Tom's
interview in his hotel room.
There, I knocked on the door and Harry opened it for me. "Hey hey! Welcome in the chaos!" He waved me inside. "OH GOD! What have you done here? Have you two
thrown a party?!" I asked when I saw the spilled suitcases. "Um no actually not, Tom is just searching for a shirt for the interview and we just can't find it!" I shook my head and walked through the room. "Phoebe! Finally, do you know where that yellow shirt with white buttons is?" Tom asked me, shirtless with a watch on his wrist
and one of his fake glasses – which just looked so incredibly hot on him. "I saw that stupid thing yesterday or something!" "I put it in the suitcase!" My boss started to panic and run wildly through the room. "Thomas!" I called, but he just kept running
around like a headless chicken. "Tom!" Harry called his brother too, but Tom didn't hear us and he keep running run from the living room to the bathroom and then back again. "Thomas Stanley Holland!" I called and stood in his way. "What?! Why do you have to call my full name?! He yelled at me angrily. "Sorry, but that's the only way I'll get your attention. Your mum did give me the tip! You gave the shirt to Rachel because you threw it in the suitcase. And I can't send you to an interview with a wrinkled shirt!" "Oh yeah that's right, now I can remember that you mention it!" He said scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Otherwise...I would have to go like that to the interview! Wouldn't be so bad now, would it?" He asked us now when he looked down on himself with a rather conceited and arrogant look. I follow his gaze and look at my shirtless boss. "In your dreams!" Harry called from the sofa
and Tom gave him his middle finger. There was a knock on the door and I went to open the door for Rachel. "Hey guys, I'm here! Here's the shirt and I see I'm coming at the right time!" Tom sits next to his brother and looked at us.
Tom and Rachel went into the bathroom and did his hair and makeup. I sat down with Harry, who was studying the burger menu. "I thought you already ordered?" "Yeah, I have. The food will come in less than an hour, but it never hurts to take a
look the next time! He said with a grin and I had to grin now too. Harry grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. I throw my legs over the armrest beside me and leaned back, shoulder to shoulder with Harry. We watch trash TV until Tom and Rachel came out of the bathroom. Tom came to us with his hair done while Rachel left.
The interview was already rolling and had lasted about twenty minutes. Tom talked about the shooting, had to answer questions and took online quizzes with callers from the show. He did surprisingly well this time, unlike the last few quiz shows
where he knew next to nothing. Harry and I were still sitting together on the sofa watching Tom from across the table and watching Tom while we continued to watch TV in silence. "Hey, I'm going downstairs to get dinner" Harry whispered, standing next to me on the sofa. He quietly left the room and his brother watched him briefly out of the corner of his eye. I continue to watch Tom and I have to admit I got a little bored with the interview. Also, my baby and I were terribly hungry. I had no idea how long it would take Harry, so I tried to distract myself with my phone and my day planner. The door opened quietly and Harry walked back into his brother's hotel room with a large bag and an insane smell followed him. Now the food was there,
but Tom still had his interview. Harry and I disappeared with the bag into the small kitchen in Tom's huge hotel room which was more like a hotel apartment. I closed the door behind me and we started unwrapping the burgers. "How long is his interview?" "According to the agreed time, about more five minutes!" I answered. I handed the burger wrappers to Harry and he was about to take them from me when the kitchen door slammed open and the other Holland stood in front of us.
Completely shocked, I had dropped the burger and Harry had thrown it up again before it slammed onto the floor. "Fuck off bro!" "OMG Tom! Look what you did!" I said, kneeling down to pick up the burger. "Look at the burger, it's definitely yours!" "Yes, ma'am!" Tom said taking it from me, unwrapped it from the paper and dropped it onto the plate. "Hey Phoebe, you can take the soft drinks, we'll be right there!" My boss ordered and I went back into the living room with the three soft drinks. The two came a few minutes later and Tom had my burger plate in his hand. "Come on, give me my baby!" I said wide hungry eyes for my plate. "Do you mean the burger or my brother?" Harry asked dropping his plate next to me. With a smug grinning face Tom handed me my plate and sat down next to me. I also had to grin like my boss,
at his brother's comment.

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