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you don't think vinnie loves you so you flirt with his friends, he proves that your his


WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, friend's with benefits typa relationship, degradation kink, spanking, pet names, unprotected sex (use birth control idiots), brat taming, oral (m receiving), fingering, slight dumbification, harsh sex to really fluffy sex

word count: 2.8k

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"Vinnieee" I slurred out, I was slightly tipsy from my friends being here earlier and us drinking and shit talking about boys and relationships. I was currently snuggled up in me bed in my bra and underwear re-watching 'skins' while smoking some weed to combat with my stupid fucking ex breaking up with me over me living with a guy- I hate that asshole so much.

"What the fuck do you want" He said groaning and walking into my room

"Vincent can you please can you go downstairs and get me some Aspirin and Tums" I say with a pout, I know my hangovers and if I don't have medicine I'm gonna be a bitch.

He flops onto my bed and looks at me while I lay down next to him, "Was this guy really worth all this shit" He asks looking at me, "Why did he even break up with you, what did you do?"

I may or may have not told Vinnie yet that the fact I broke up with my boyfriend was because of him, "It wasn't that big of a deal anyways, don't worry" I fail to look reassuring,

"C'mon dude were close, I LIVE WITH YOU, I won't judge you" He says with a pout and who am I to deny such an adorable sight

I sigh, "He was just generally overprotective and possessive or whatever but um the main reason he broke up with my was erm cause I lived with you" I close my eyes shut afraid of what Vinnies's reaction might be but he sits up and just looks baffled

"Wait wait you're telling me he broke up with you cause you lived with me?" He says it like it's unbelievable

I just chuckled, "Yeah I guess he thought that we were a thing behind his back or something"

"Damn that sucks man I'm really sorry, why didn't you just move out with him?" He asks with a lot more sincerity than I have right now- I'm just focused on how close vinnie's lips are to mine,

"It's fine I like living with you and some insecure guy isn't gonna change that" I say staring at his lips

"Yeah, but I dunno it makes me feel bad that you feel like this because of me" he says brushing a few strands of my hair of my face and rubbing the tears of my face as I lean into the touch

"It's fine Vincent I promise you, living with you is worth being single" I say trying to reassure him with my face still in his hands

All he does is chuckle and then our lips are connected.

That's how it started. Now everytime me or Vinnie are mad and we need to take out our anger, or we need a date for an event, or even if we want to get off we always have each other. That's the rule- no matter what we have time for each other.

But it's been a week and Vinnie has barely talked to me and I shouldn't be mad cause this is a casual thing- no strings or whatever, but what pisses me off so much is that he's talking to another girl- specifically my best friend Zoe, who assures me it's platonic but god I'm so mad at both of them.

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