daddy issues

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your overwhelmed by the fight you just had with your father and vinnie just want's to make you feel better


WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MDNI, praise kink, pet names, breast play, making out, sucking on fingers, oral sex (f receiving)

word count: 1.1k

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University sucks. The assignments, the pressure, and it gets even worse when your dad enters the mix

You've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. Your dad has been putting a lot of pressure on you to get good grades and make something of yourself, and your boyfriend Vinnie has been trying to be supportive, but he just doesn't seem to understand how stressed out you feel.

Your relationship with your dad has always been strained, your two very different people and whenever you were growing up your dad could never come to terms with the fact that you weren't the perfect angel he wanted as a daughter.

You're sitting on the couch in your apartment, flipping through your phone and trying to distract yourself from your problems, when Vinnie walks in the door. He takes one look at your face and knows immediately that something's wrong.

"Hey, what's up?" he asks, coming over to sit next to you on the couch.

You tell him about the fight you had with your dad earlier in the day. He'd been lecturing you about your grades again, telling you that you needed to work harder if you wanted to get anywhere in life. You were so frustrated that you ended up storming out of the house without saying anything.

Vinnie listens patiently as you vent your frustrations. He knows that your dad means well, but he also knows how much pressure you're under and how you and your dads relationship has always been riddled with problems. When you finish talking, he takes your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"Listen, I know it's hard right now," he says. "But you're doing great. You're smart, and you're talented, and you're going to go places. Don't let your dad get you down."

You feel a little bit better after hearing Vinnie's kind words, but you're still wound up from the argument. Vinnie notices this too, and he suggests that the two of you do something to take your mind off things.

"Hey c'mere baby." He coos pulling you towards him.

He suggests a movie night just for the two of you and you pick some cheesy hallmark movie to watch with him and he gets the snacks ready as you situate yourselves on your couch.

As the film starts, you try to focus on the plot, but your mind keeps wandering. You feel Vinnie's arm around you, and you lean into him, hoping that his warmth will calm your racing thoughts.

As the show progresses, you find yourself getting more and more into it. The tension builds as the characters face their own challenges and conflicts. You can't help but feel invested in their stories and their struggles.

Suddenly, you feel Vinnie's hand on your leg. You look up at him and see that his eyes are fixed on the screen, but you can tell that he's feeling the same tension that you are. You feel a flush creeping up your neck and a fluttering in your stomach.

As the movie reaches its climax, Vinnie turns to you and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. You respond eagerly, feeling all of your stress and worries melt away. You let yourself get lost in the moment, enjoying the feeling of being so close to someone you care about.

All the stress and anxiety you were feeling before disappears as you melt into Vinnie's embrace. The show is long forgotten as your body responds to his touch. You feel alive and present in the moment, completely consumed by the passion between the two of you.

"Shit princess, I hate seeing you hurt." He's gentle words compliment the way he pushes you on the couch for you to lay down and he kisses down the column of your neck.

"Vin..." You breath out

"Yes baby," His reply is instant as he locks his eyes with yours.

"Make me feel better."

"Anything for you." The words come out of his mouth like a prayer as lips trail down the curves of your body pulling off your bra and latching onto your nipples.

His kisses trail down to your nipples causing your body to go cold, his tongue rolls your bud and catches your nipples in his teeth.

"Vinnieeee" You whine as he continue the motion, he's so sweet with the way he makes you arch your back and stuff your chest into his face.

His lips finally detach from your chest and he trails his kisses down the plush of your stomach, pulling your shorts and panties of in one swift motion.

The kisses don't stop until he reaches your cunt, his left hand holds your hips down whilst you use your hands to pull his right hand up and start dragging your tongue along the length of his knuckles.

It catches his attention enough that he stops his kisses and sits up, starting intently at your actions.

You take his ring and middle finger into your mouth as you bat your eyelashes up at him, you suck on them not taking your eyes of Vinnie's as he's staring so hard that it looks like he's trying to commit the image to memory.

"Shit baby you look so pretty I'm forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing here" He lets out with a chuckle

You pull his fingers out of your mouth with a pop! and lean up to kiss him before you lay back down.

It's like the kiss rewires his brain since he remembers what he's doing again and situates himself in between your thighs one more.

His tongue drags through your folds, making you squirm above him and he uses both his hands to keep your thighs spread apart for him as the sounds of him eating you out along with your moans echo in the room.

Your thighs tremble and delicate moans fill Vinnie's ears as he sucks your clit causing you to squeeze your legs around his head and just chuckles before continuing with his motions.

It's not long before your jerking your hip forward and arching into his mouth and cumming on his face.

He pushes your legs apart to get up and leans over to you, placing a chaste kiss on your lips before getting up to grab you a towel but not before taking his shirt of and tossing it to you to put it on.

He comes back to see you laying on the couch but instead with his shirt on and he quickly cleans you up and then sits down next to you whilst simultaneously pulling you towards him.

"Oh wait look at this!" He exclaims whilst pulling out your favourite drink from behind him

"Oh my good baby, you remembered!" You beam grabbing the drink and opening it.

"Of course I did, I love you princess." He responds kissing you again.

"You taste like my cum by the way." You say as you pull apart from the kiss

"Good that means I did my job right."

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