1 year old stream sniper | not smut

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your daughter seems to share you boyfriends passion for being on live


WARNINGS: NOT NSFW I WAS IN A FLUFFY MOOD, literally just super fluffy no warnings 😭 

word count: 512

make sure 2 vote <3

You're sitting in your living room, watching your boyfriend Vinnie play Valorant on your laptop. The sounds of gunfire and explosions fill the air, as he focuses intently on the screen. Suddenly, you hear a faint giggling noise coming from the other room.

You smile, knowing that your child is awake and playing nearby. Sure enough, you hear the pitter-patter of little feet running towards the door. It's your daughter, your beautiful baby girl who's just learned to walk.

A few moments later, your little one comes bounding into his room, waddling over to Vinnie and the computer. You watch as the baby reaches up to grab at Vinnie's headset, tugging on the cord and making him jump.

Vinnie looks down at the child and grins, reaching over to scoop them up into his lap. The little girl squeals with delight, waving her chubby arms and legs around in excitement. You can't help but laugh at the adorable sight.

You slightly feel like your being left out so you slip out of the living room and into Vinnie's streaming room while pulling up a chair right next to Vinnie, he places a chaste kiss on your lips as he continues the stream.

"Hey there, little munchkin!" He coos as he picks them up and settles her onto his lap.

"Hey babe, look who decided to join us on stream!" He say to to, pointing the camera towards your child.

You glance over and smile, "Hey there, cutie pie! You wanna say hi to Vinnie's followers?"

As if on cue, your child waves at the camera and lets out a cheerful "Hi!"

The chat explodes with heart emojis and comments about how adorable she is.

Vinnie chuckles and sets down his controller, "Looks like we have a new co-star for the stream. Want to play around with her a bit?"

You nod excitedly and start making silly faces at your child, making her giggle even more. Vinnie joins in, making funny noises and faces trying to make her laugh.

As Vinnie continues to play the game, you and your child start to play around with him on stream. You tickle the baby's toes, making them giggle even louder. Vinnie joins in on the fun, making silly faces and noises at the baby while still trying to focus on the game.

Your viewers start to take notice of the baby's presence, commenting on how cute and precious they are. You and Vinnie decide to take a break from the game and give the baby some attention, entertaining your viewers with some playful antics.

The chat continues going wild with comments about how cute and wholesome the stream is. You and Vinnie continue to play with your daughter on stream, enjoying the moment and the love and support from Vinnie's followers.

As the baby starts to get sleepy, you and Vinnie bid your viewers farewell, signing off for the night. Tucking the little girl into her crib whilst you slip into Vinnie's bed as her huge arms wrap around you, keeping you safe for the night.

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