joys of parenthood | not smut

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you and vinnie going through the joys of parenthood together


WARNINGS: NOT NSFW I WAS IN A FLUFFY MOOD, literally just super fluffy no warnings 😭

word count: 725

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You and Vinnie have been together for a few years now, and you've always talked about starting a family. So when you found out you were pregnant, you were over the moon with excitement.

The first few weeks were a whirlwind of emotions. You were happy, scared, and anxious all at the same time. Vinnie was there for you every step of the way, holding your hand and reassuring you that everything would be okay.

As the weeks went on, you started to experience some of the common pregnancy symptoms, like morning sickness and fatigue. Vinnie would run to the store to pick up your favorite snacks and make sure you had everything you needed to feel comfortable.

When it was time for your first prenatal appointment, Vinnie went with you. You both listened intently as the doctor explained what to expect over the coming months. Vinnie was fascinated by the sound of your baby's heartbeat and couldn't stop smiling.

As the pregnancy progressed, Vinnie took on more responsibilities around the house. He cooked meals, did laundry, and cleaned up without complaint. He even went to prenatal classes with you and helped you practice breathing exercises.

You both spent hours talking about what kind of parents you wanted to be and what kind of life you wanted to create for your child. You dreamed of taking family vacations, teaching your child how to ride a bike, and cheering them on at their soccer games.

Finally, after months of waiting, it was time for your baby to arrive. Vinnie was by your side during labor, holding your hand and encouraging you every step of the way. When you heard your baby's first cry, you both burst into tears of joy.

And then there's all the post-birth milestones.

You and Vinnie have been eagerly waiting for this moment since the day you found out you were pregnant. Now, as first-time parents, you're in awe as your baby babbles and coos, trying to communicate with you in their own little way. You've been eagerly anticipating the day when you'll hear your baby say their first words, and today is that day.

As you sit on the couch with your baby in your lap, you and Vinnie watch as your little one looks up at you with big, curious eyes. Suddenly, you hear it - a soft, muffled "mama" escapes from their lips. Your heart swells with joy and tears prick at the corners of your eyes. Vinnie leans over and kisses you on the cheek, his own eyes shining with pride and happiness.

Your baby continues to babble and coo, and you can't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement at this tiny little human who has come into your life. As you and Vinnie talk to your baby, encouraging them to say "dada", your little one surprises you once again - "dada" they say, with a big smile on their face.

You and Vinnie can't contain your excitement as you share a moment of joy and celebration. You never thought you could feel so much love for someone so small, and hearing your baby say "mama" and "dada" for the first time is a moment you'll never forget.

Crawling is another milestone that your baby reaches before you know it. You and Vinnie scramble to baby-proof the house, removing sharp edges, securing cabinets, and blocking off stairs. But despite your best efforts, your baby still manages to find ways to get into mischief.

You laugh and shake your head as she scoots around, exploring every nook and cranny.

When your baby starts taking her first steps, you and Vinnie are right there, cheering her on. You clap and encourage her as she wobbles and falls, getting back up to try again. And when she finally takes those first confident steps on her own, you and Vinnie celebrate with tears of joy.

Mealtimes are a whole other adventure. Your baby smears food all over her face, flings her spoon across the room, and spits out anything she doesn't like. But you and Vinnie keep trying, introducing new flavors and textures, and celebrating every messy milestone.

Through it all, you and Vinnie are a team, learning and growing right alongside your baby. You laugh at the silly moments, comfort each other through the tough ones, and marvel at the wonder of watching a tiny human grow and develop right before your eyes.

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