First Day (Part 1)

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(Y/n has never really had friends she was a loner.. She hung out with her sister Anna and her friend Maya.
Y/n has recently had a glow up she's hotter than ever. You could say Y/n never got bullied but now she's got Dustin attention.)

But what if that's not what happened? What if Dustin's liked Y/n since 3rd grade but he couldn't say anything because of his friends, who thought
Y/n was just not on that level yet? But now that she is, how will things go?

(I'm not going to put up who is who cause I'm pretty sure yall know who is who?)


(You will be ur own character ofc, I will js upload outfits!)

Y/n's pov:

"Do you know who else is in
homeroom with us? Like... is Sam?" Maya asked.

"He wishes. He’s so in love with
you." Anna replied.

"Oh, for sure, Sam's crushing on you big time." I said.

"Gross, Y/n/n, Na! Not in a million-
trillion years!" Maya yelled.

"Do you think Alex is like dating
Heather still?" Anna asked.

"Not at all. I heard she gave a
hand job to like Brandt Jand Dustin Long this summer." Maya said.

"What!" I yelled.

"Shit Y/n I totally forgot ur crushing big time on Dustin". Maya said.

"I'm not crushing on him big time!"I yelled.

" You've liked him since 3rd grade, y/n/n! " Anna said.

" SO? " I questioned.

" Or it could've just have been Dustin L because I heard it was like just Dustin L. "Maya says.

" How does it make it better! "I yelled.

"She such a slut y/n don't worry." Anna said.

"I also heard Connie M grew double
d’s her last night at camp." I said, trying to forget about the Dustin thing.

"Hello?" Yuki asked.

"MOM! Get off- I’m talking to Anna and Y/n. She yelled.

"Uhn. Time for bed. You, too, Y/n, Anna." Yuki said.

"I’m gonna ask you a
question, swear on your life
you’ll be honest/ On our
friendship/ Do I look
exactly the same as last
year? I won’t be mad. Tell
the truth/ I won’t be mad-

" Swear." Said Anna.

" Swear. " I said.

" DO i look the same? " She asked nervously.

"Oh my god, Not AT ALL." Anna said.

"You have waymore freckles from thesummer, your fashion choices
are always evolving!" I said.

"But like y/n/n your so much hotter now! Dustin going to sure want you! Anna said.

" What no he's not! " I yelled.

" What’re you going to wear?" Maya asked us.

" Oo, I'm wearing like a white top mini corset and ripped jeans!" I said excitedly.

" I was thinking I was gonna wear a
bra and spaghetti straps." Anna said.

"OMG Anna" I said.

"You’re wearing a bra?!" Maya said in disbelief.

"I think so. Do you wanna borrow mySketchers?" Anna asked.

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