Wild Things

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Y/n's pov:


I woke up with Dustin next to me.

"Dustin wake up." I whisper to him.

He doesn't reply.

"Dustinnnn." I whine.

"Yes ma?" Dustin replys in a hot morning voice.

"Get up we have school." I tell him.

"Ok, I'm up ma!" Dustin replys.

"Can i have some clothes?" I ask Dustin.

"Sure, over there." Dustin says while pointing his cupboard.

I get up and go over to his cupboard.



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"Dustin get up, I'll be downstairs." I tell Dustin before going downstairs.


"Good morning, Y/n!" Marissa greets me.

"Good morning, Marissa!" I greet her back.

"I made breakfast!" Marissa says as she points to Blueberry Pancakes.

"Thank you!" I say as I sit down to eat.

Me and Marissa ate finish, after we were done Dustin comes down.

"Goodmorning Dustin!" Marissa greets him.

"Morning." Dustin says as he kisses me.

Dustin ate finish, then we were walking to school.


"You look good in my clothes ma." Dustin says.

"Thanks." I say.


After a bit we arrive at school.


"So.. What are you going to do about Brandt?.." I ask Dustin.

"I have no idea." Dustin replies.

"Ok let's go to class." I reply giving Dustin a sad smile.


After school I couldn't find Dustin. So I went home.


"Hey Na!" I greet my sister.

"H-hey Y/n.." Anna greets me with a sad smile.

"Na, are you ok?" I ask my sister.

"I J-just had the w-w-orst kiss of my Li-life." Anna stutters.

"Oh my god, Na.." I walk over to Anna and give her a comfort hug.

"It's fine r-really." Anna replies

I give her a small smile.

"H-hey do you ever have regrets kissing Dustin?.." Anna asks me.

" Listen Na, what Dustin and I have is amazing. I love Dustin but I think the real question is, do you like Brandon?" I ask Anna.

"I don't k-know." Anna replies.

"Anna so you like him, yes or no?" I ask Anna.

"N-no.. Y-yes.. Maybe?" Anna answers confused.

"Anna." I ask my sister sterling.

"No." Anna replies with a straight face.

"Well there you have it! You don't like him! ." I tell her.

"Oh..wow thanks y/n!" Anna thanks me.


This is a short episode!

More to come!

I do have a serious announcement next episode!


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