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Y/n's pov:


After I woke up mom brought up the food. I decided to stay at home the next day, Mom was with it.




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After i get dressed I hear static notices.

Ugh Anna.

I ran downstairs.

"ANNA SHUT IT. YOU GUYS ARE BE FUCKING LOUD!" I yell at my sister before going back upstairs.


Dustin's pov:

I walked into school but Y/n wasn't there, I wanted to apologize to her for being an idiot.. No an asshole.

"Yo, guys where's Y/n?" I ask Heather, Becca and Connie.

"We have no idea, we were going to come ask you." Heather says.

"Your an asshole, Dustin. She loved you!" Connie says.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask confused.

"You better get your life sorted, Dustin. Using Y/n just so she can fuck you. You should be ashamed." Connie says.

"M-my slut? What are you guys talking about?" I ask them.

"Brandt says you were only Y/n so that you can use her to get into her pants!" Becca says.

"That mother fucker." I whisper before walking off angrily to find Brandt.

After a while I see that fucker.

"Yo, Dustin my man, what's-" Brandt says as he gets cuts off which a punch.

I punched him in his face causing his nose to bleed.

"What the fuck Dustin?" Brandt asks.

"You fucker, how dare you tell Y/n that's she's a slut!" I yell at him as I push him.

I see people starting to gather around.

"Well your only using her!" He yells back at me.

"Fuck you Brandt, I love Y/n with my whole fucking heart, you don't know anything about love, you can't even get a girlfriend!" I yell back at him.

"Dustin face the facts, I'm way hotter than you, why do you get to have Y/n?" Brandt yells at me.

"Because I liked her for who she is not how hot she is, you man whore." I yell at him as I punch him once more before storming out of school and walking over to Y/n's house.. While I had to go home but luckily mom wasn't there.


Y/n's pov:

It was now dinner. Mom and Dad ordered Chinese.

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