Vendy Wiccany

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Y/n's pov:

I was sitting with Maya and Anna downstairs while they were painting the nails and watching a scary movie.

"Boo!" Anna shouts.

"Anna stoppp! I'm not scared" Maya

I heard the door slam..

Dad and mom were fighting, it was muffled but you could hear them clearly..

Anna turns up the volume of their movie..

"They like do this sometimes, it's like.." Anna says.

"Oh my God no, I love this show. I'm going to watch it.. It's so good." Maya says ignoring the fact that our parents are arguing.

"Okay!" Anna says a bit more calm and joyful.

Mom and Dad continue arguing while Maya and Anna's movie also continues.

A object shatters.

Anna and I stand up and move more closer to the kitchen.

"Anna should I come?" Maya whispers.

"No it's ok you can sit down." Anna whispers back.

"I think you guys should go upstairs for now." I tell them.

They obey and go upstairs.. After a little while I hear they are in Anna's room, I walk to the kitchen where my parents are still arguing.

"CAN YALL LIKE FUCKING STOP!" I yell butting in the argument.

"Y/n-" Mom starts.

"No, I'm fucking talking, Anna is has a friend over and you guys can't act like fucking normal parent's just for an 1!?!"I yell.

" Y/n.. We're sorry. "Dad says..

" There's not one moment when you guys aren't yelling at each other, can you guys please stop!"I yell.

" Y/n.. We're so sorry. "Mom apologizes to.

" I'm fucking done, when you guys are calm, you can come fine me. I'll be at Heather." I say angrily rushing upstairs to my room grabbing my bag and throwing in some of my clothes as I heard mom and dad follow.

" Y/n.. D-don't do this." Mom says crying a bit.

" You guys can't act like normal parents just for one fucking second. And Im done with this shit." I say as I run downstairs and out of the house.. I hear mom and shouting for me but I ignore them and continue running..


After a bit I reach Heather's house. I knock on the door and Heather answers.

" Hey, can I stay over for a bit? "I ask.

" Of course come in. "Heather says.

" Hey y/n! "Heather's mom greets me.

" Hi. "I say with a small smile.

" What's wrong hun? "Heather's mom asks me.

" My parents are fighting again, so I just wanted to know if I can stay over for a bit?"I ask.

" Oh honey, of course you can, your welcome anytime. "She replies.


After a bit it was now night time, we had pizza for dinner.


" Good night Heather. "I say.

" Night Y/n. "She smiles back.


The next day.



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Heather and I went to school.

" Hey ma. "Dustin greets me.

" Hi. "I say pulling him in for a hug.

" Ma, you ok? "Dustin asks me.

" Her parents are fighting again. "Heather whispers so only Dustin hears.

" Don't worry, ma everythings going to be fine. Come on let's go. "Dustin says.

" Where we going? "I ask.

" Come on. "Dustin says.


After a bit of walking we are at McDonald's. I got (whatever you want) and Dustin got the same.

After more walking, we haven't eaten our food yet because we're looking for a seat.

Dustin takes me to this private lake.. And wow it's just gorgeous..

We sit a bit close to it but far

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We sit a bit close to it but far.

After we were done eating we decided to go in the water for a bit.

"Shit, this water is cold Dustin!" I say.

"Come on Ma!" Dustin says as I see him coming for me.

"Dustin NO!" I yell at him moving backwards.

Dustin catches me and throws me in the water.

"Fuck you Dustin." I say coming up for air.

"When and Where mami?" Dustin asks.

"Dustin were 13!"I say.

" I won't get you pregnant don't worry. "Dustin says.

" God, Dustin. "I say.

" Relax Ma, I'm joking! "Dustin says pulling me in for a kiss.


After a bit it was around 6pm.

Dustin was walking me to Heather's house.

" Here Ma. "Dustin says giving me his hoddie.

" Aren't you going to get cold? "I ask hesitating to take his Hoodie.

" Ma, I'm fine take it. "Dustin says.

" Thanks! "I say as I put it on.

Dustin pulls me in for a kiss.. A very very long kiss..

After about 2 minutes we pull away.

" Thank you for today, you sure know how to take away my worry. "I say.

" No problem, Ma. I'll see you tomorrow, I love you. "Dustin says pulling me in for one more kiss before leaving.


" And how was your date? "Heather asks giggling.

" Amazing. "I say smiling.

" I bet it was. "Heather says.

" So.. How are things going with you and Alex? "I ask.

" He still won't talk.. I don't understand. I'm everything he could want. " Heather says.

" And you are, all you gotta do is wait! "I say.

" You're right. Good night Y/n. "Heather says.

" Night Heather. "I say as I pull in my best friend for a comforting hug.



This is a short episode so yeah..


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