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Y/n's pov:

Dustin was still over and I realized mom and Anna should be home soon.

"Dustin!" I yell.

"Yes ma?" Dustin replies.

"You gotta go!" I yell.

"What why?!" Dustin asks confused.

"My mom's going to be here soon!" I say.

"So, she's seen me before!" Dustin says.

"Not in my bed dumbass!" I yell.

"Damn, fine I'll go." Dustin says.

"Bye!" I say giving him a kiss.

"Bye ma, I'll see you later!" Dustin says as he leaves.

I go and change into something because mom is coming soon.


(REMINDER IF YOU DO NOT LIKE U MAY CHANGE)~I went downstairs to make some breakfast, when I suddenly hear something or someone

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I went downstairs to make some breakfast, when I suddenly hear something or someone..

" Hello? "I ask confused.

Next thing the door opens as mom and Anna enters.

" Hey y/n. "Mom says.

" Hi. "I say.

" I got a surprise for you girls! "Mom says.

As soon as mom says that a voice appears.

" And I thought I was late. "Grammy says.

" Oh-" I say shocked.

" It's Grammy. " Anna says also shocked.

" Grammy's going to be staying here for a while." Mom says.

"And here I am as a surprise. I was going to help out

for the foreseeable future." Grammy says

"Hi Grammy." I smile and hug her.

"Y/n beautiful as always." Grammy says.

I thank her, as Anna goes over to do the same greeting.

"You know, I keep telling you
this, and you don't listen. You're slouching. And if you continue to slouch, you're going to get one of those stomach pooches just like your mother." Grammy tells Anna

"Ha‐ha. Mom, stop." Mom says sarcastically before walking to the kitchen.

"Oh, well. I think I'm going to go

and make us some dinner." Grammy says.

"Okay. Thanks, Grammy. Love you." Anna says.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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