Community Service (part 2)

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Later that day.

(You can imagine your own partner!)

"Ok, now that you've met your fashion show partners, it's important between now and Saturday that you really bond, ok? So turn to your partners and ask if you were a hat what kind would you be?" Deb says.

"I don't wear hats." Becca tells her partner.

"Oh Heather your hairs so pretty. If I wear a hat I would be you! " Heather's grandma complements her as she simply nods her head.

"You make my hair flat." I heard my sister say.

We went back to the room as we were all talking when Heather stood up looking around worried.

"Heath, you ok?" Connie asks her.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just.. lost something. My mom's going to kill me." Heather says.

"Maybe one of us took it homr accidentally, what is it?" Jess asks.

"It's kinda private, you guys.. But it's uh.. It's pink." Heather says.

"Ok, let's look!" I say.

"That's a good start!" Connie says.

"Look, don't worry! Can I look in your bag? " Becca asks.

"Yeah." Jess says.

Becca looks in my bag and Jess's.

"Pink?" Anna asks.

"Anna why aren't you looking?" Becca asks.

"Yeah, Anna you haven't moved." I say agreeing with Becca.

"I am." Anna says.

"Someone took it by accident, it's really important!"Heather says.

" Look in your bag. "Connie says.

"I litterally looked everywhere, you guys, I'm freaking out!" Heather says.

"Heather babes it's fine! We'll find it ok?" I say comforting my friend.



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~We were all talking about how good we look!

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We were all talking about how good we look!

"Ok ladies listen up. We don't have much time before the show starts but as you know something of Heather's was stolen. A thong." Deb says as we sit down.

"Please call it underwear mom." Heather says embarrassed.

"Shut up, sweetie. Everybody stand up and get in a circle please and whoever took Heather's thong is going to put it in the middle of the table and no one will know because we're going just turn around, and close our eyes and hum as we count to 3, ok? 1, 2, 3." Deb says as we all turn around and being humming.

" Ok, open your eyes. "Deb says as we all turn around and stop humming.

" Yeah, yeah, you guys. "Maya says.

" Really?" Deb asks.

" Gone. No one's giving it back. "Anna says.

" Ok, ok! Well, I don't have time for this shit. I have to take care of the elderly. So Heather your just going to have to wear the panties you have on right now. "Deb says as she walks out of the room.

"Guys this isn't funny anymore. Like if someone took Heather's thong, just say so." Becca says.

"Yeah, you guys." Jess says.

"It must've been Maya, Anna or Tera." Becca says.

"What?" Anna says in disbelief.

"What?" Maya asks in disbelief.

"The Bible says no thongs." Tera says.

"Anna and Maya, you were in the changing room when we went to see grandma Mary's room on Monday. Probably when you stole it, just admit it." Becca says.

"That's insane, I mean it could've been Y/n she was wearing a thong to!" Maya accuses me.

"What the fuck, you doing going through my shit, my thong was light pink not Dark pink, you hoe." I yell at Maya.

"Fine if you didn't, steal it show me your underwear." Becca says to my sister and her friend.

"Show you, my underwear?" Maya asks in disbelief.

"Just the top." I tell her.

"Your crazy." Maya says.

"Maya, just show her your underwear." Anna asks her friend.

"Show me your underwear." Becca asks both the girls.

"You guys, you guys, you guys! This has gotten out of hand!" Jess says.

"I know and your perverted." Maya points at Becca.

"Can we just let it go, Becca. " Heather asks.

"Let's do the show... Let's do the show.. I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. I'm sorry you lost"Maya apologizes as she gives Heather a hug.

I see Becca tryna to pull her pants as me and Jess pull her down back to her seat before she can.

"Do you guys remember it's about the hats." Anna replies wanting everyone to forget about the thong situation.

After i went after Maya, I saw Becca being dragged with Deb.


So the show was a total mess.


Shit post, posting another episode later!


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