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Y/n's pov:

I was at Dustin's Wrestle practice.

So far he was wining!

Brandt then walks in, I see Maya peeking through as I let her be..


"Hey ma, you good?" Dustin asks me.

"Yeah, your doing great!" I say.

"Thanks!" Dustin says pulling in for a hug as I back away.

"Dustin I love you but your sweaty!" I yelp.

"I can't even get a kiss, now mo hugs?!?" Dustin questions.

"Well you did this to yourself!" I say sitting down on the bleachers.

"Y/n come on!" Dustin complains.

"Go line up Coach is starting!" I say giggling as Dustin walks away annoyed.


Sam was wrestling a guy shorter than him.

Anna sits next to me as Maya talks to coach.

"C-coach I would like to join, like wrestling and stuff." Maya says.

"Mhm, sure." Coach says.

"Is it because I'm a girl? I'd probably kick everyone's asses." Maya says.

"Honey, we all know I'd kick your ass." I say as I get up and stand next to Dustin.

After a bit coach agress and she stands next to Brandt.

"Bro, switch with me." Brandt says to Dustin.

They switch and Dustin is now next to Maya. Brandt was scratching his thing, Maya was looking, Dustin noticed.

"Whenever Brandt touches his balls it means he wants a hand job." Dustin says jokingly.

"Your only saying that because you want a hand job from Y/n!" Brant says.

"God Brandt grow up!" I say before going back to the bleachers.

"I wouldn't mind!" I hear Dustin yell.

"Fuck off!" I yell to my boyfriend.

I hear them laugh.

Maya was now wrestling TJ as she was getting bored of shadowing. He tackles her.

"I wasnt ready, what the hell!" Maya yells.

"I don't wanna wrestle anymore." TJ days.

"Fine, if he doesn't want to wrestle, I'll wrestle anyone else. Anybody just raise your hand. Like I'm ready to freaking go. Brandt whatever if you want to. Maya says as he looks down and just ignores her.


" Hey ma. "Dustin says.

" Hey, what's up? "I ask.

" Do you um.. Maybe wanna g-go on a date? "Dustin asks.

" Yeah, of course, where? "I ask.

" Roller skating! "Dustin says happily.

" Cool, sounds fun! Will you pick me up? "I ask.

" Yeah, of course. "Dustin says leaning to kiss my lips as I turn my head allowing his to kiss my cheek.

"It was worth a shot!"Dustin says before walking away.


" Hey guys! "I greet my friends.

" Hey y/n/n! "Heather greets.

" I have a date with Dustin! "I say.

" Fun! Where are you guys going? "Connie asks.

" Roller skating! "I reply.

" Super fun! You guys are so cute. "Becca says.

" I want what you guys have! "Heather whines.

" I don't think you want a horny boyfriend. "Connie says giggling.

" Hey! He's not always horny! "I say.

" Y/n's right, Dustin loves her truly! "Becca says.

" For sure! Hey I gotta go! I'll see you guys later! "I say bye to my friends.



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After a bit Dustin came and picked me up.

" Ok, do you wanna eat first or roller skate first? "Dustin asks.

" Let's skate first! "I say.


After an hour of skating, we were pretty hungry.

We ordered some nachos, and cokes.

" Thank you, Dustin! "I say.

" Of course, Mami! "Dustin says.

" Listen, so my birthdays is in two days.. "I say.

" Y/n, why didn't you tell me! "Dustin says.

" I'm sorry.. I just hate my birthday.. They always bad luck.. One time my boyfriend cheated on me! The other time I fell and sprained my ankle! My best friend forgot about my birthday. Nothing ever goes my way! "I say.

" This year, it will i promise! "Dustin says.

" Your just saying that! "I say.

" No I'm not it will go perfectly! "Dustin says.


Dustin's pov:

I just need to get her the perfect gift ever..


Y/n's pov:

" It's getting late, I should probably take you home! "Dusint says.

After a bit we got home. Dustin and I said our goodbyes when I called him back and gave him a kiss.. What can I say he's Dustin Long.. Who can resist him!


This is another short episode I do apologize

I will be updating another later or tomorrow!


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