First Day (Part 2)

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Y/n's pov

What Maya did was horrible but hey it's whatever..

Maya sits in her seat as I sit behind her, as she's trying to get a look at Brandt’s neck hairs, as MS. BELL writes her name on the board. Anna slips into the desk next to her and leans in.

"Maya, Dustin’s a bitch." Anna whispers to Me and Maya.

"What the fuck Anna."I whisper yell.

"A bitch?" Maya questions.

"That’s what Alex said. I think Brandt is the way to go." Anna says.

"Your only saying that because of Alex." I tell my sister, pissed off.

"Obviously whatever you want to do
but do you really want to be with
a bitch that doesn’t hang out with
Alex?" Anna says.

"The fuck Anna."I say to my sister.

"I don’t know. I like his earring. Maybe being with a bitch is the best thing for me. I thought theywere best friends." Maya says.

"You guys are being bitches now." I tell them.

"Y/n wait-"Anna starts.

" Anna wth your my sister and your just leaving me out of convo."I tell them as I get up and move to the class.

" Hey mami you uh ok?" Dustin asks me.

Shit I didn't even realize I sat next to him.

" Oh um yeah." I tell him.

" Quiet please! Settle down!" Ms. Bell says.

The students quiet down and start paying attention.

(to Maya) *
"Young sir in the Care Bear
sweatshirt." Ms. Bell says.

Maya looks up.

"Hn?" Maya asks confused.

"She’s a girl." Jaffer says, one of Sam's friends.

"Care to share something you did
over the summer?" Ms. Bell asks.

"Um. Probably watching ACE VENTURA:PET DETECTIVE six times in a row." She says.

Maya gets up in front of the class and impersonates Jim Carrey. Anna laughs really hard.

Maya’s POV:

All my peerslove it. Even Brandt!

Y/n's pov:

"Enough. Everyone take out your
summer reading and get in groups
of four: John, Lydia, Jafeer..." Ms. Bell says.

Everyone gets in their groups.

Meanwhile Sam is alone in the hallway. He tears down the signs
“Dustin loves Maya” and “Brandt loves Maya,” one by one.

Class is divided into groups of four. Maya, Dustin, Anna and GABE  are in a group. They hold THE GREAT GATSBY.

"Oh um.. Miss I don't have a group." I tell Ms. Bell.

"Oh you can join Dustin and then."She tells me.

As I walk over I see Maya give me a small death glare.

" Hey ma. " Dustin says as he gives me his charming smile.

" Hi Dusty. " I tell him.

" Dusty? " He asks me confused.

" Well if you can call me 'ma' and 'mami' I can call you something to." I explain to him.

"Your know what you can call me?" He tells me.

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