1. cold (edward)

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Edward wished there was something he could do, Bella was at the furthest side of the small tent,  shivering. It pained him to see her like this, he wanted to wrap his arms around her, but he knew she'd be frozen to death as soon as he tried. 

"What can I do?" He asked in a small voice.

"I'm f-fine, Edward. Just... stay o-over t-there." Bella mumbled through chattering teeth.

Edward typically tuned out the sound of a particular werewolf's thoughts, but the sudden anger to the normally nonchalant ones startled him.

'He's such an asshat, she's gonna freeze to death if he's in there. I can smell the damn bloodsucker from here!'

Edward sighed, he should have seen this coming, but as much as he hated to admit to himself, he hated the way Jacob thought of him. It hurt. A familiar sound of heavy footsteps in the snow interrupted his train of thought (a hard thing to do, for a vampire). Then, the tent's zipper was being pulled down, and a wet-dog smell filled the room. Gross... but kind of sexy? Edward was ashamed of his thoughts, but was glad no one else could read them.

"I can't sleep with all that teeth chattering." Jacob said as he crawled into the tent, the wet-dog smell was overwhelming now. 

"J-jake?" Bella looked up, attempting to sit up in her sleeping bag, but shuttered, and lay back down.

'I could warm her up so fast, she wouldn't know what hit her. Damn, why am I so horny right n-'

"Forget it, Jacob.' Edward hissed. He wouldn't let Bella be the thing that got Jacob off at night, if he could help it.

"Well, she might need her toes someday." Jacob chuckled, and moved closer to the backside of the tent, to Bella. "And, let's face it, I am hotter than you." Bella looked to Edward, probably seeing his pained expression, he knew what had to be done. 

Jacob moved closer to the shivering Bella, as he passed Edward, their shoulders brushed lightly, and Edward felt Jacob's heat radiate through his body. He stiffened at the overwhelming sensation. Jacob must have noticed it, too, because his breath quickened for a moment. Edward grabbed Jacob's shoulder, a warning. "Get your hand off me." Jacob demanded, suddenly tense at the direct contact of their skin. "Keep your hands off her," Edward replied, mustering up enough strength in his voice to sound confident.

Jacob ignored the comment, and lay down close to Bella, she rolled over to face his bare chest. Edward felt a strange pang of jealousy, but not in the way he normally did, it was almost as if he felt jealous of... Bella? There must be something wrong with him, the intoxicating werewolf smells were probably messing with his head.

"You'll warm up soon, faster if you took your clothes off," Jacob muttered to Bella.

"Jake," She sighed, annoyed.

"Survival 1-0-1." He crooned into her ear.

Edward rolled his eyes, feeling quite frustrated with the unwanted presence in the tent.

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