9. i missed you (edward)

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Edward closed the door to Jacob's room, and walked over to Jacob. He crouched down to Jacob's level, and cupped his cheek. Jacob sighed and closed his eyes at the touch. 

'Why does he practically melt me into a puddle? I can't handle this shit anymore...' Jacob said in his mind, Edward grinned at the thought.

"I missed you..." Jacob crooned, and his cheeks flushed lightly.

"I missed you, too."

"I'm sorry for running off and almost getting myself killed."

"Jacob, don't be sorry, you saved your friend's life."

"I know, but—" Edward cut Jacob off with a kiss, he put his hands on both sides of Jacob's face, and they stayed like that for a moment.

'I am so fucking in love with you, Edward fucking Cullen.' Jacob thought as they broke free from the kiss.

"It is actually concerning how much you cuss." Edward chuckled. He kissed Jacob again.

"I would hold you, you know, if my arms worked." Jacob said, a bit solemnly. 

"Here," Edward carefully stood over Jacob, and put both of Jacob's arms around Edward's neck.

"That's... better?" Jacob laughed as his arms flopped back onto the bed. 'Ouch.' Jacob grimaced a bit at the harsh movement. Edward glanced at Jacob with sympathy.

"Okay, maybe it would be best to save the intimacy for when you are fully healed."

"Fine," Jacob mumbled, stubbornly, as Edward got off the bed. Edward kissed Jacob on the forehead, a small grin forming on his face.

"I need to hunt, but I will be back soon." Edward said, and hastily put the covers back over Jacob's fragile body.

(authors note)

hi again! this chapter was very fluffy, which isn't usually how i roll, but i enjoyed a new type of writing! i hope you have enjoyed this so far, the story is almost over 😢. anyway, it's late, i'm tired, i need to shower, so bye bye. x

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