2. warm (jacob)

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Bella was fast asleep in the next few minutes, curled up in Jacob's arms. 'This is what I want,' Jacob told himself, 'To watch that bloodsucker squirm with jealousy, Bella in my arms-'

"You should really try to control those thoughts, if you want all your limbs in tack." Edward muttered.

"Maybe stop snooping around in my head, then." Jacob replied, tightening his grip around Bella.

Edward rolled his amber eyes, there was something so... soothing about them. Like they could melt you to a puddle, and you wouldn't give a damn— Edward's gaze returned to Jacob, now he had a confused look on his face. Shoot.

"Er... are my eyes soothing? I didn't know they had that affect..." He mumbled, Jacob had never seen Edward look so startled.

"Sometimes... Don't let that get to your head, you may be hot, but your still an ass." Jacob felt the words fly out before he could stop them. Edward chuckled.

"Jacob, are you..." Edward trailed off, shook his head, and smiled.

'Jacob, are you bisexual?' his father had asked him this before, and he couldn't deny his strange attraction to Sam Uley, the alpha of his pack.

"... Are you, Edward?" Jacob asked, blood rushing to his cheeks. This was the first time he called him by his name, it felt nice on his tongue.

"I guess I've always felt some way towards men, I don't really feel like labeling myself as anything other than... well, Edward Cullen." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I feel the same way, I just want to be Jacob Black, nothing else." He ran a hand through his newly cut hair, and wished it was long again.

There was silence for what felt like eternity, but was probably only a few minutes. Jacob stroked Bella's hair for a moment, then carefully slid out of the sleeping bag, and closer to Edward.

"What about Bella?" Edward asked, looking confused.

"She'll be fine, she's fast asleep." Jacob replied, and sat down next to him. Edward hesitantly stretched a hand out and combed it through Jacob's hair.

"You don't like your hair, do you?" Edward asked, sympathetically. 

"No. I miss when it was longer." He replied solemnly. "Sometimes I wish I was just a human again, I wish I wasn't so angry all the time." 

Edward put an icy hand on Jacob's shoulder, a relief to the everlasting fire that lived in him.

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