epilogue (one year later)

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"Bella, can you button my dress, please?" Alice calls from the hotel bathroom. Bella comes in the room, wearing a cobalt blue short-sleeved dress, her skin a bit paler and her eyes a caramel brown instead of their usual chocolate.

"Sure, babe." Bella begins buttoning up the lavender dress that Alice picked from her insanely huge closet. As Bella buttons the dress, she starts to kiss Alice's neck.

"Bella, we don't have time, we have to leave for the wedding in twenty."

"I can do you in twenty..." Bella smirks and Alice rolls her eyes, "I should have never turned you immortal, you're so cocky now."

"You love me,"

"I do."

Bella grabs the car keys from the foyer table, about to call Alice so they can leave, when she sees her. Alice is laying on her back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows, her legs spread open. She smirks at Bella.

"I guess we will have to be a bit late..." Bella whispers as she joins Alice on the bed.


"You look beautiful." Edward says as he finishes tying Jacob's tie. Jacob smirks and grabs Edward by his own tie, pulling him to his lips. Edward lets out a muffled noise of surprise.

"What was that for?" He asks when they break apart.

"I don't know, I just fucking love you." Jacob whispers.

"I fucking love you, too, Jacob." Jake mimics a surprised look, putting his hands to his mouth.

They both laugh for a bit, and then kiss for longer. Jacob playfully bites Edward's neck, causing both of them to start laughing uncontrollably. 

"Why don't you ever fake-bite me?" Jacob asks after they've stopped laughing, "All I'm saying is that would really up your game in bed..."

"I don't 'pretend' to bite you, Jacob, because if I did, you'd be dead." Edward noticeably flinches at the thought.

"Oh. Yeah, never mind. Please don't ever try to bite me as a joke." Jacob laughs and embraces Edward. They share this moment for what feels like an eternity.


Charlie and Billy's wedding is in a small opening in the woods, the trees have been decorated with white streamers and fairy lights. A sign at the entrance reads:

Charlie And Billy Are Getting Married!

Guests: Bella Swan, Jacob Black, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Emmet Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Sue Clearwater, Angela Webber, Sam Uley, Sarah Young

If You Are Not On This Guest List, You Are Not Allowed Into This Wedding


Billy and Charlie were now happily married, and everyone was at the after party Alice was hosting. Everyone was happy and filled with pride, and for once in Edward's immortal life, there was no sadness. Edward was with Jacob, and finally felt truly immortal.


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