10. love (jacob)

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After a week of morphine and painkillers, Jacob was back to his regular state. For once in his life, he was grateful to be a werewolf, to be able to heal so fast. With the help of Carlisle, of course. Jacob had been spending more time with Leah and Seth, since they all decided to ditch the rest of their pack. A lot had happened since they had last hung out, which was a few months back: Leah had imprinted on her human girlfriend,  Angela Weber, Seth had came out as demisexual, and Jacob was dating a Cullen, something he thought would never happen.

Edward and Jacob were supposed to go on a hunting trip on this warm evening, but they just ended up making out on the forest floor for half an hour. When they broke apart, they lay on their backs, listening to the sound of nature.

"Do you hear that?" Jacob asked, hearing a sudden loud rustling somewhere in the forest.

"I have been hearing that for the past ten minutes we've been lying here."

"Oh, right, bloodsucker ears..."  Jacob rolled his eyes, and leaned over to kiss Edward right below his left ear. Jacob propped himself up by his elbow, and kissed Edward on the lips this time. A low moan rippled in Edward's throat as Jacob pulled Edward's leg over his hip, and kissed Edward's neck. Their fumbling continued for a few more minutes before they were soon interrupted by the rustling sound.

"Okay, what the hell is that?" Jacob yelled, frustrated.

"Shh, it's a bear. I can smell it." Edward carefully stood up, and pulled Jacob up by the arm.

"Oh. Oh, that's what that smell is..." Jacob whispered, and Edward softly chuckled.

Together, they raced past trees and ducked under the branches until they saw it, the large bear, feasting on berries. Jacob began to strip out of his clothes until he was down to his boxers. He glanced at Edward to see him staring in awe. 

"What, you like what you see?" Jacob asked, jokingly. Edward rolled his eyes and watched as Jacob transformed into the large reddish-brown wolf. Edward stroked the wolf's soft fur, and Jacob winked at him. Edward chuckled.


Jacob bowed his head and watched the bear, waiting for the right moment. Jacob heard a low growling sound, and was surprised to see Edward next to him, snarling and the bear. As soon as the bear turned it's back away from the berries, they ran towards the beast and pounced. Jacob sunk his teeth into the bear's neck, and the bear struggled as Edward held the bear down with his arms. A loud whimper erupted from the animal, and its eyes slowly rolled back into its head. The bear was dead. 

Jacob let go of the bear's neck, blood was dripping down his chin, all over his fur. He began to tear an opening in the stomach to eat the meat, while Edward bit down on the opposite side of the bear's neck.


When they finished, he looked up at Edward to find him wiping a single drop of blood from his mouth with the back of his arm.

'How did you do that so... neatly?' Jacob asked in his head, directing the thought to Edward.

"Decades of practice, love." Edward grinned, and if Jacob was in his human form, he would have, too. In this moment, Jacob truly felt immortal.

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