3. the secret (edward)

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Jacob placed one hand on Edward's neck, and the other on his cheek. 

"What are we doing?" He asked Jacob. If Edward were still human, he was sure he would be blushing. Maybe his heart would quicken like he felt Jacob's.

"I have no idea." Jacob whispered, and his lips were on Edward's. It was a new feeling, Bella's lips had felt soft and delicate, but Jacob's felt passionate and demanding. Now, Jacob was kissing his neck, and then tugging at the buttons of Edward's shirt, when Edward grabbed Jacob's hand as a signal to stop.

"What?" Jacob asked, looking up at Edward, confused.

"We shouldn't be doing this, I'm sorry." Edward couldn't look at Jacob, it was too painful. 

"But I want  you..." Jacob whispered, grabbing a fistful of Edward's shirt.

"I know— but I'm with Bella, and she's still here, and we are supposed to get rid of Victoria tomorrow," Edward had never been the one to stutter, but here he was, fumbling over his words. "And—" Edward was suddenly cut off by Jacob.

"Right. Okay, it's totally fine, this was just some dumb ass mistake. I'm a dumb ass." Jacob said, hastily unzipping the tent, and crawling back outside.

"You're not a dumb ass, Jacob—"  But it was too late, Jacob was gone.

"Shit." Edward whispered, trying to track Jacob through his thoughts, but he was too far away. Edward heard breathing quicken behind him, he turned around to see a delirious Bella, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Whas goin on?" she mumbled, looking over to Edward,

"Nothing, Bella, go back to sleep." He whispered, cupping her cheek.

"Where's Jake?" She asked, looking around the small tent for the werewolf.

"He... went for some fresh air." Edward lied, Bella didn't look convinced.

"Really, Bella, you should get to sleep." He crooned, trying his best to hide his anxiety.

She yawned and snuggled back into her sleeping bag, and was asleep in the next few minutes.

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