8. new (jacob)

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Pain and sorrow was all Jacob felt as he lay on his bed, covered in bandages, unable to move any part of his body other than his head. Dry tears stuck to his cheeks and his throat was sore from screaming. 

Billy rolled into the room, looked down at Jacob with utter remorse on his face, and ruffled Jacob's hair.

"My son, I wish nothing more than to be in your place right now. I can't help but feel like it's my fault, I shouldn't have let you go fight with the pack."

Jacob sighed and said, "Thanks for the sympathy, dad, but I don't need it. Go back to kissing Charlie, or something." Billy chuckled and took Jake's hand in his.

"Well, tell me if you need anything, son."

"Sure, dad." Jacob said as Billy wheeled his way back around, and left him alone. Jacob closed his eyes, and hoped for the painkillers to kick in soon. He lay like that for a few minutes, before falling into a deep, yet restless sleep.

Jacob dreamed of angels calling out to him, embracing him in their arms, and stroking his fluffy brown fur. He dreamed of Edward; his lips on Jacob's, his cold hands in places they'd never been before. He could practically feel the way Edward's hair felt in his hands, the softness of it. He was used to these new dreams playing tricks on him, but he couldn't help the feeling that these dreams were not his to keep, like someone else was seeing them, too.

Jacob awoke to the familiar smell of cologne he always longed for. He opened his eyes to the new blinding light of early morning, and a tall, sparkling angel leaning against the doorway of his room. Edward. Jake felt his cheeks burn, and felt very exposed, not being able to move, let alone stand up.

"Hi," Jacob mumbled, groggily.

"Hello." Edward murmured with that annoyingly handsome smirk curving on his lips.

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