4. kiss (jacob)

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Jacob had transformed, and decided to camp out in the woods with Leah to take his mind off Edward. She had a surprisingly calm energy when Sam wasn't around. He didn't feel like he had to tell her anything, so, of course, he did.

'Leah?' Jacob thought, sitting next to her as she devoured a doe they found while hunting.

'What's up?' She thought, suddenly pausing mid-bite.

'I kissed Edward.' He replied, reflexively looking down to hide his invisible blush. Leah spit out the meat she had been chewing, and shook her head. 

'No way— wait— Really?'  Her eyes widened, and her tail started to wag.


'I should have called it. Nobody in Forks is straight these days.' Her eyes were bright, and her tongue popped out to the side of her mouth.

'Wait... Leah, aren't you straight?'

'Oh god, no. No, I kissed Bella.'  She thought, nonchalantly.


'Yeah, we made out at that bloodsucker's graduation party, you know the one with the pixie haircut, what's her name... Alice?'

'I... what about Edward?'

'He probably knows, since he's a mind reader, and all. She told me she was hooking up with Alice, though. We made out that one night, and both agreed we wouldn't do it again. But that girl's gay as hell.'

Jacob was speechless. How could she cheat on Edward? Who would ever do that to someone so beautiful? Then he thought about that night, and immediately felt guilty. He decided that he should talk to Bella about this.

(author's note)

hi! sorry for the short chapter!  i hope you have enjoyed the story so far, it's a work in progress! thank you so much for reading this, i really appreciate it. i am excited to start including some alice x bella (bellice??) action in the next few chapters!

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