It was fine, I'm all fine

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"Thought that I might find you here," A familiar voice said, startling me once again. I turned to my right, seeing him smirking widely.

"Why were you looking at me?"

"Nothing, I just wanna see you. I went to your house but no one was there aside from your cat so I drove here." He said as he took a sit on the stool beside me.

"Oh. Is there... something you wanna talk about? Or..."

"No, as I said, I just wanna see you."

"You just see me not even 18 hours ago."

"You get bored of me, don't you?" He asked, making me gasp.

"No, of course not! That's not the case and I don't think it'll ever be. I was just asking, out of pure curiosity I promise," I rambled, making him chuckle.

"How are you doin? Are you okay? Still sore? Or..."

"I'm alright, better now. Sore yeah, definitely. You have torn me apart, Mewwie." I pouted at the feeling of my core aching in pain again causing him to smile softly.

"I'm not even sorry, honestly. Though I'm still sorry for pushing you too far,"

"Mew, I swear, you didn't push me. It was fine, I'm all fine, see? It's okay."

"I know, it just... you were sobbing so loud, for fuck sake. Everything's red that you can't even comprehend your surroundings. If I-"

"Mew, stop. I'm okay, that's what I want, I love it like that and I trust you, so stop blaming yourself. But I might not be able to fuck for a day or two."

"We don't have to fuck all the time we meet, you know," He said, sipping on his New York Sour. I grabbed my Sex on the Beach, taking a small sip before answering,

"We weren't the usual one nightstand, are we?"

"Clearly, but I have no problem with that," He said before mumbling something like 'if you only knew' but I didn't quite catch it.

"I just need a distraction, you know. And you happened to be there that night. And quite frankly, although we weren't like those normal one-night stands, I'm somewhat glad."

"And now you're being cheesy," He said, chuckling lightly.

"No, I'm being serious, stop it..." I said, pushing his arm playfully. He caught my wrist gently, pulling me onto his lap. I gladly sat there, making myself comfy before I took another sip of my drink.

"And you're lucky that I like the way you dance."

"I wasn't dancing that night?"

"You were the night before. I was there you know, I just didn't approach you yet"


"How could you be here anyway? I thought you were sore?"

"I called an Uber. I don't have any alcohol left at home and I felt lonely because Hazard is sleeping most of the time. And I may or may not kind of miss you too"

"Awe, flower, you just have to tell me"

"I can't just call my fuck buddy saying that I miss him," I exclaimed matter-of-factly.

"You have a point there. But do you actually miss me or miss having me in you?" He smugly asked, tilting my chin with his fingers, forcing me to have eye contact with him. I blushed deep red, averting my gaze to everywhere but him.

"Oh, c'mon! Don't be so shy now, you were screaming my name so loud not even a day ago, begging and crying for me to please you,"

"Da- Mew, not hereee..." I whined like a child.

"Not here? Oh, where then, princess?"

I pouted at him, batting my eyelashes for further effect. But it seems like to not working as he just raised his eyebrows, challenging me with no words. I hid my face in his neck, red in embarrassment.

"Tell me, baby. Tell me what you want because you know I want it too"

"But... but I'm still wrecked, I- I won't be able to please you"

"Who says that? Having you squirming and being all embarrassed like now is enough to please me. Feel," He said, pressing my body down on his hardening bulge. I bit back a moan, not wanting to sound so desperate.

"Alright, let's skip all the small talk, yeah? Let's go to yours and straight up to your room. I've been thinking about what I'll do when I'm alone with you, you don't need to worry your pretty head over this." He said then swiftly stood up, me shrieking while holding onto him for dear life.

"Chill babe, I got you"

We arrived in my room 7 minutes later, panting and kissing hungrily as we tore each other clothes off. Soon, we were both naked and he was four fingers deep in me. I tried my best to clench around his long-ass finger, trying to make my wrecked hole not so ruined.

"Push your thumb, please. Want your fist, daddy."

"I thought you said you couldn't fuck for a day or two, uh?"

"I give you what's left of me 'cause you feel so heavenly. Like a touch I've never felt. So, please... gimme your fist."

"Alright baby, open up please, show me that thirsty ass hole of yours."

And who am I to say no to him when he offers heaven to me?


I slumped my body on top of him, panting heavily as I just came for the third time tonight. His chest was painted in white, covered by my come, as his thigh was covered with his own release that is still leaking from my hole. Both of our body was glistening with sweat, clearly out of breath once we were done for the night.

I laid my head over his left chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. It was comforting in some ways and I enjoy that, moreover after such mind-blowing sex like this. Our sex is always so mind-blowing. I always left out red, heavily breathing while having nothing else inside of me. He was just that amazing, I swear. I always get drowsy every time we're done, and a peaceful atmosphere like this really calms me down.

Suddenly his phone rang obnoxiously loud, making me groan out loud since he was trying to get it from the nightstand.

"No, don't answer, just cuddle me"

"Sorry, babe, it's home."



"A tad bit, why?"


"What? Now, really?"


"Fucking hell, fine."


"Yes, I'll be there. Gimme a bit"


"Alright, bye"

"Are you gonna leave?" I asked, propping my head up tiredly.

"After you sleep. Now, c'mon baby, it's time to bed"

"Is it really important?"

"Eh? Kind of,"

"What was it about?"

"Things that you shouldn't worry about right now. So, princess, it's time for your beauty sleep"

"Goodnight, Mew,"

"Night, baby"


Wanna guess who called Mew??


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