Bear with me

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The second my eyes blinked open, I shot up from my laying position, heart beating quickly. I saw Mew sitting on my window, a soft smile on his face.

"Morning" The guy greeted me with that warm smile of his.

"H- Hey..."

"How was your sleep?"

"Please tell me it was just a dream," I asked, my eyes wide with anticipation as my heart keep beating faster and faster. Mew timidly smiled, shaking his head as if telling me that it wasn't just a dream.

I instantly burst into tears again, sobbing loudly in no time. He rushed towards me, gently cradling my body onto his lap before rocking it back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth to calm me down. I hid my face in the crook of his neck, my tears falling down freely. He kept rocking my body slowly, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Who are they? Please, tell me who are they? Why did they try to kidnap me? Did I do something wrong? Was it because of my past? Was it-"

"Shh, no baby, no... it wasn't your fault, you did nothing, Gulf... Calm down,"

"But- but, why are they after me? They tried to kidnap me, they- they said something about Az, who's it? Why- why they were even after me?"

"Gulf, hey, hey, listen to me," I opened my eyes slowly, blinking back the falling tears. He put his hand on my cheek, caressing it gently.

"Stop thinking about them, yeah? I know it'll be hard, but I promise you that it won't happen again, not on my watch, yeah?"

"But- but Mewwie, I wanna know why! They tried to kidnap me, for fuck sake!"

"Someday, Gulf, someday, I promise you that."

"No, Mew! I wanna know now!"

"Not yet, babe. You're not ready, I'm sure you'll, even more, be freaked out if I tell you now. So please, bear with me and just forget this, yeah? I'll protect you, I swear I will."

"I don't want to be protected, Suppasit! I wanna know why,"

"Gulf, for hell's sake, please just bear with me"

"But Me-" I suddenly jolted forwards when his hands slapped my bum harshly. I whimpered at the sudden pain, watching his cold gaze on me. His jaw was clenched tightly and it feels like he wasn't the Mew that I know. I cowered in fear and pure submission, hiding my face back in the crook of his neck, mumbling apology again and again.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spanked you, 'm so sorry." He said, kissing the top of my head softly. I just nodded my head, too scared to speak and cross the line again. I've never seen that cold gaze before. His eyes were so dark, all the lights that used to be there were gone and it scared me so badly.

"I'm sorry, princess"

"It's- it's okay," I stammered out nervously. I heard him sigh, his hand's movement stopping on the small part of my back.

"No, princess, look at me? Please..?" He asked softly. I stayed in my place, too afraid to face him.

"Gulf, c'mon. It's just me," I sighed in defeat, slowly pulling myself off of the crook of his neck. I looked up at him with my big, teary caramel eyes, waiting for him to say something. He just looked at me with his usual sparkling deep brown eyes, a glimmer of guilt flashed in his irises. He leaned in to peck my lips softly, letting it linger a bit longer before he pulled away. I stayed where I am, my eyes following his every move.

"Believe me, Gulf... it's better for you to not know yet. I swear, I really do wanna tell you, but... but you're not ready, yet. When the time comes, I promise that I'll tell you everything, so please... just bear with me until that time comes, yeah? It's for your own good, babe,"

Is it really better that way? Am I being too pushy? No, because I know I deserve to know and there's clearly something that he hid from me. Something huge, but I just don't know what. Nevertheless, I nodded my head at him, mumbling a small 'yeah'.

"I'm sorry again, for spanking you"

"... It's okay, I was- I was too pushy and didn't listen to you"

"No, Gulf. Even if you didn't listen to me, I don't have the right to spank you like that, we weren't doing anything sexual therefore I have no excuse for doing so,"

"It's fine, I understand. I trust you, Mew."

"No, I'm sorry. Please don't brush it like that"

"Okay, yeah... Apology accepted. I forgive you," I said, smiling small at him. After all, he was the one that saved my ass last night.

"Thank you for saving me. You know, last night," I said, patting his cheek lightly. He shrugged his shoulder, mumbling something incoherent.


"... It was... it was my fault anyway."

"How's that your fault? You saved me, Mew,"

"They shouldn't have found you. I failed at protecting you,"

"You saved me, how's that failing at protecting me? You calmed me down when I was clearly having an aftershock last night, you even rock me back and forth like a damn baby when I burst out minutes ago." He shrugged his shoulder again, the guilt was still visibly in his eyes. I sighed at him, he's a headstrong person, and it would be hard to convince him of the opposite of what he believes. I leant up a bit, moulding his chapped lips with mine, making sure to show him that he didn't fail and everything was fine.

He pulled away first, looking at me with so many emotions in his eyes. I couldn't read it. I just stared at him with my big caramel eyes full of curiosity, tilting my head to the side unconsciously.

A smile suddenly broke onto his face. He brought his finger up to my nose, tapping it lightly before he chuckled,

"You're just so cute sometimes,"


I'm letting you all to run your imagination as far as it could go, so go wild and tell me more theories about this whole stuff that's suddenly happening hahahhaa

It's actually pretty interesting reading them and seeing y'all goin wild with possibilities lol


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