Welcome to the fam

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We were currently in our room, watching the stupid rom-com that I didn't even remember what the title is. Mew was clearly enjoying it, being the big dork he is, but I barely paid attention to it as my mind was somewhere else.

"Hey, Mew?"

"Yes, Bii?"

"Will we ever tell him?"

"About us?"

"Yeah, the whole truth I mean. He deserves to know, you know. I don't want him to be left in the dark as I did."

"Now that I think about it... How about tomorrow? It's his birthday after all,"

"With breakfast in bed?"

"With breakfast in bed. And I'm cooking," Mew said with that knowing smile hut finality in his tone.

"Awe, whyyy?"

"You would microwave the eggs again, that's unforgivable."

"That was just one time," I gasped at him, somewhat offended that he keeps bringing it up.

"Sure, love."


"Morning, baby"

"Mornin'," I groaned out groggily.

"Now, now, no need to be grumpy, it's a special day."

"I know, I'm just sleepy,"

"C'mon, help me with breakfast."

"Carry me?" I asked and Mew scoffed loudly.

"You're such a baby,"

"Your baby,"

"My big baby,"

"Yeah, because the little baby is still sleeping,"

"He'd whine to no end if you call him a baby," Mew reminded me which made me giggle at the thought.

"He's always gonna be my baby even if he's old and wrinkly,"

"We'll never get a wrinkle, duh. What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about," I said, rolling my eyes not so subtly. He put me down on the counter, pecking my lips softly before he walked to the cabinet.

"What are we gonna make this morning?"

"A stack of black forest waffles with tiramisu cream."

"And Oreo crumble."

"Yupp and Oreo crumble," Mew said, chuckling at how childish I could be sometimes.

"Okay, you prepare the waffles okay? I'll make the cream." I said to him and hopped off of the counter to grab the ingredients from the fridge.

We cooked in silence, doing our job without creating a hustle because hell knew even a tiny sound could wake that baby up.

Mew stacked the waffles on a big plate, as I layered them one by one with the tiramisu cream. He sprinkled the Oreo crumbles on top of the stacked waffles as I pour milk into three glasses. We put them on the tray, Mew carrying it up the stairs while I strolled behind him.

I cracked open the door slowly being careful to not make too many noises. We sat on each side of Mika before cautiously putting the tray on his lap.

"Meeeee-kah, wake up, baby. It's your birthday," I giggled silently, knowing that I annoyed the living shit outta him.


"C'mon boy, we've cooked you your favourite breakfast," 

"Daddd..." He groaned again which make me giggle.

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