Gulf, Bii... please, just shut up

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"Gulf, are you ready?"

"Uh? Yeah, wait for a second, I need to put this on,"

I said, rushing all over the room trying to find that fucking chain. Tul strolled into the room, chuckling in amusement at my state. Truth is, I'm far from ready.

I was so nervous but also buzzed with excitement that I can barely control what I'm doing. The stylist was just done with my makeup and hair but oh hell, my things are scattered all over the place and now I lost my lovely chain.

"Looking for this?" Tul asked, holding the exact chain I'd been looking for, for minutes.

"Yes, thank fuck! You're a lifesaver."

"I know, you'd probably lose your mind if I didn't come over here,"

"Yes, now could you please find my silver boots too? I think it's around the bed, I need to put this suit on."

"Okay, just do whatever you have to do,"

It's our wedding day. And so far everything is so bloody chaotic.
Mew is fine, it's just me and my over-thinking habit.

What if something happens? Like the priest suddenly called us out or something? Or maybe Mew bailed on me? But no, that's impossible. He was basically tied to me no matter what, so bailing is not a choice.

Wait, what if the foods are not ready? Or maybe the- Ugh, what am I even on about?

I put the shirt and blazer on, skipping the tie because both of us agree on no-tie shit. Tul handed me the boots which I clumsily tripped over before I manage to put them on without face- planting again.

"Makeup done, hair done, suit done, what else?"

"Your vows?"

"Um... right, where's that piece of paper?"

"On the desk," Tul said, totally amused at how all over the place I was being.

"Right, cool. Okay, what else?"


"It's on Mew."

"I think that's all."

"Alright, I um... huff, can I do this?"

"Yes, you can, Gulf. And you will. Now c'mon, we don't want the guest to wait, do we?"

"Yeah, right, er... lemme check myself one more time,"


I did as I say, quickly scanning myself in front of the full-length mirror before nodding in satisfaction. I grabbed Tul's hand as we strolled down the hall towards the back garden. We hold the wedding at Mew's house which is also my house now. The door was closed and guarded by people from hell who quickly bowed down once I was in front of them. I nodded at them and they slide opened the door slowly. All the guest's eyes turned to me, smiling so wide that I thought it might hurt their face. The guests were all hell's residents and it's kinda weird to see them all smiley like this.

My dad came to me and Tul gladly handed me to him

"Don't lemme trip, please" I whispered to dad.

"Alright, clumsy boy,"

"I'm a man, dad."

"Okay, whatever you say, son."

The music began to play and we carefully walked down the aisle. My eyes fixed on Mew and Mew only, not even bothering to blink as I put all of my focus on him. I almost tripped, but dad was quick to steady me, a slight chuckle leaving his lips which made me blush. Mew bit his lips, preventing himself from giggling because he was just that much of an asshole. 

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