Highway to hell

613 48 7

I tapped my feet patiently, waiting for Mew to pick up the call.

"Hey, princess,"

"Hey, Mewwie,"

"What's up? Is something wrong, Bii?"

"No, it's just... You did say that my dad is still alive, right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"I was thinking... can I- no, can we, uh... you know, pay him a visit perhaps?"

"Of course, but are you sure you're ready?"

"Eh? It won't be that bad, will it?"

"It depends on how you take things, honestly."

"Do you think I'm ready?"

"Huh? I don't know, love. You know yourself better than anyone else,"

"I like to think so, I mean I've seen the biggest bomb, so what harm could a little visit do?"

"Well, if you think so, I guess we could,"

"Really?" I said, instantly beaming in happiness.

"Sure. I'll pick you up in 10."

"Okay, thank you, Mewwie! You're the best!"

"See you soon, baby"

"See ya..."

I was practically jumping up and down in excitement once Mew hung up. I threw my phone onto the bed, silently thanking God that it didn't bounce off and hit the wall. I walked into my closet, trying to find the most suitable clothes I could use.

Honestly, I don't know what I expect from this meeting with my dad. After living for 25 years, this is my first ever time meeting him. I want to impress him, but then again I don't? I don't even know. All I know is that I'm so fucking pumped that I didn't even think about all the what if's.

It's not like I'm visiting the Queen or something anyway. Well, I know he is a king, but he's just my father, right?

What the hell am I even thinking about? Ugh...

I put a pair of black skinny jeans on, completing it with my black tee that got covered with a white shirt. I grabbed my glittery black Chelsea boots to finish it off, quickly putting them on before styling my hair. I guess I'll just leave it like this, Mew loves it better when it's wild anyway.

I heard a knock on the door when I was about to get my phone, making me rushed over to the front quickly.

"Hey, princess,"

"Hi, just lemme grab my phone and wallet, yeah?"

"Sure, take your time, love," I pecked his lips lightly before scurrying back to my room, collecting my phone and wallet and stuffing them into my pocket. I checked myself one more time in the mirror, making sure everything looks at least decent.

"Alright, I'm ready" I yelled out as I walked back to the front. I saw Mew chuckling at my ecstatic aura, but says nothing. I locked the door behind us, before following him to his car.

"We're goin to hell with your car?"

"No? What makes you think about that?"

"I don't know, maybe Highway to Hell just flash in my mind,"

"As much as I love that song, no. We're going to my house."

"Your house is hell?"

"Dammit, Gulf, nooo..." He said, chuckling in amusement.

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