No, please, no...

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You think drama's over?
Think again, babies


I felt someone caressing my hair softly which slowly but surely woke me up.

Thinking it was just Mew, I nuzzled closer to the hands. But then, my mind snapped as I recognise the smell. It wasn't Mew's smell. It was something unfamiliar but also kinda familiar at the same time. I heard the person chuckle and my eyes whipped open. I scurried away from the person, sensing danger and all the bad vibes.

"Hey, baby boy"

"Wh- who are you?"

"You don't remember me? What a shame, because I still remember you screaming my name at the top of your lungs,"

"Who the fucks are you?"

"If I say my name is Eli, does it ring any bell?"

Who is- oh my god! No, that can't be.
He can't be that guy, can he?

"E- Eli?"

"Yeah, though you called me 'Sir' most of the time,"

"You- what are you doing here?"

"I'm taking what's mine. He needs to pay the cost,"

"He? Who's he? What cost?"

"You know, Gulf... The thing is, your precious boyfriend messed with my family, and you know that I'm a family guy."

"Did Mew bang your family or something?"

"Frankly, no. But worse than that,"

"Did he bang you?"

"No, but he did take my sister."


"Ann Amanda Auarouse."

"The- the bitch? She's your sister?" I asked and he gasped out of the blue.


"What- what did I do?"

"Calling my sister names when you're nothing but a cheap slut," ah, should've known that a bitch would be blood-related to a fucking bastard as well, dumb Gulf.

"Yeah? Well, you're no better than me then, since you were begging to fuck me that night and also the next morning and afternoon."

"How could you call someone so precious such a nasty name?"

"Precious? She tried to fucking kill me, what are you on about?"

"You're a disgrace, you're supposed to be dead No, you need to die!"

"Well I'm not and frankly, Elijah, I won't be dead for a long time,"

"You sure about that, Gulf? Because I have my people with your boyfriend and I could call them to shoot him at any second,"

"Shoot him then, it's not like he'd die."

"Oh, he would. I got this particular bullet that made only for the immortals and if I shot it straight to his heart, he would be dead in a blink"

"You wouldn't dare,"

"I would, Gulf."

"No, you wouldn't,"

"Let's make a deal then, shall we?"


"You want him to be dead? I thought you love him,"

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