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My dad dropped the cutlery in his hand causing the tension to get thicker. My eyes widened at how rude that sounds coming from me before I hastily ramble out,

"Oh uh, that's- that's not what I mean. I- I didn't mean to say you abandon me, I- I mean, why- why did you leave me on you know, earth. Like- was it... was it really that... bad? I- I mean, I know I'm unfortunately a disgrace to my mum's clan but- but is it really a... disgrace?"


"I- I'm sorry, just forget it..." I stated, quickly shoving a spoonful of the chicken into my mouth. Mew put his hand on my thigh, softly caressing it to reassure me.


"Uh um, yes?"

"You know I didn't mean to, right?"

"I um... I guess. I mean, Mew explained to me a tiny bit, but it's still so vague and... I just would like to know, you know... the whole story I mean, since I... deserve to, because after all... this is my life, you know. And- and I think... it's just... not fair? If you know, you keep hiding this from me and... leaving me in the dark, kind of,"

"I understood, forgive me for being so selfish and hiding these all from you,"

"Just tell me why and I'll forgive you," I said causing the rest people at the table to gasp while my dad nodded his head in understatement.

"That's fair for me."


"Where should I begin?"

"Why did you guys, you know... create me when you already know that it's forbidden?"

"I was an angel once. Your mum and I... we were friends, but then... as time went by, we fell for each other. Let's just say some stuff happened and that caused me to get kicked outta heaven and turned into a demon instead, but on the bright side, your mum and I's relationship still going strong nevertheless. I... made a revolution for the demon clan, and even though I basically betray her clan, she still supported me. We kept sneaking around to see each other as ridiculous as that sound and then one night, she told me that she carried you. The angel knew right away and have been trying to kill her ever since, but I transported her to another dimension so none of you would get hurt. The thing is, this dimension is dangerous and non-permanent, even for a creature like us, it's still dangerous. And she carried a half-blood just makes it even riskier. So I built this castle and hid her here. You were born months later, and she told me to bring you somewhere much safer where no angel would chase after you so you have to watch your back 24/7. She wants you to grow up like a normal person and have a normal life. I was reluctant to let you, you're my son after all, but nevertheless, I agree with her. The day I went to the earth, the angel clan somehow found her and handed her straight to god. God obviously doesn't forgive her and told Az to killed her. Her friends were so mad at her that they killed her before Az got the chance to. I was so furious, but from my vision, I knew I couldn't save both of you. I knew it was either you or her, but granting her last wish to see that wide and content smile of hers is what I live for, so I choose to save you. And before you start apologising, it is fine. I've accepted that since the day I found out she gets killed. You're her star, her sun, her whole world, and I want to do everything in my power to save you from every danger. Tul overheard my plan and he eagerly offered himself saying how much he wants to learn about another place and another creature, so I reluctantly sent him up there along with his parents who are just as excited. You know Pakorn Abaddon?"

"The CEO of Pakorn enterprise?" I asked, too stunned to care about my loud voice.

"Yeah, the place your second dad works."

"That's his dad?"


"Tul how could you!?"

"What?" Tul asked with a nervous laugh.

"Never mind, I'll talk with you later, and don't you dare think about running away. Continue, dad!"

"Alright, so yeah. They blended in with the human race really well and Tul told him to hire your dad when he lost his job at the assurance company. Years later, I got the news about you being kicked out by them because you came out as gay, and I right away sent you all the things you have now. I knew how much pressure that caused, you being kicked out and everything and I also knew you wouldn't survive if I didn't get in. I got a contact with your brother, Goob, and he agreed to help me though he didn't even know me, I just said we were a relative but I couldn't do anything else aside from supporting you financially. He didn't mind it that much since all he has to do just make a new account and transfer all the money I gave to you, buy you a house along with the furniture, and maintain you alive. 4 years and a half later, one of my guards overheard the angels talking about you. They said one of them caught a side of you at earth and suspected you as my son judging from your looks and everything and they were planning to bring you to Az as soon as possible if the assumption was right. That news came to me just at the same time as Mew here ran away from his dad. He overheard that when the guard told me everything and because he was so obsessed with you even when he was a kid and had never seen you before, I know he's the right person. I sent him to earth and you know what happens next, Mew has explained it, right?"


"Anything else you wanna know?"

"Was it true that I was supposed to be the next king?"

"Indeed, but since you're half-blood, we can't do that in fear of another betrayal. I know you wouldn't do that, we knew that, but that's just the rule from the previous kings."

"So you passed it to Mew?"

"He's like my second son and I think, why not? I got the vision that you'll end up together since he was 15 a.k.a 17 years ago a.k.a when you were 10 years old, and I thought if I made him the king, you would still have the power as his queen so you won't feel that abandoned. And I choose Mew not just because he's like my second son, I have my reason. He got the persona, the brain and the charisma. He's a genius with a mind that works faster than the light and with those all, I know he got a bright future ahead of him. And with you by his side, working hand-to-hand, I know this clan's future and you both future, could get even brighter."

"Wait, Kana! Does that mean you approve us officially?" Mew interjected with wide eyes, clearly beaming in hopes.

"Call me dad, Mew"

His shocked expression turned into a wide grin before he abruptly stood up and hug my dad tightly, mumbling thank you's over and over again. I smiled at the view in front of me, finally feeling at ease now that I kind of knew everything. Max and Tul were smiling as well and I returned the smile gladly.

If you think this is the end,
You're wrong babies. Watch out

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