I heard that, princess

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"Mew, how the fuck I close this thing?" I yelled shamelessly from my room. I swirled in front of my mirror, thinking of a way to close my wings. I knew how to open it, but not to close it, and that man didn't even tell me how he did close his hours ago.

"Suppasit! Get back here!"

"Gees, Bii, what got your panties in a twist?"

"Shut up! Tell me how to close this thing, I wanna sleep!" I said, blushing madly at his words.

"Just order them so,"

"Order them?"

"Yeah, tell them to go back to their place and it'll be gone,"

"Easy for you to say," I grumbled under my breath,

"Just try it for fuck sake," He heartlessly laughed. That asshole!

Alright, let's try it.
I closed my eyes tightly, internally praying that they would listen to my order.

Dear wings, as much as I love you, can you please go back to your place?
I would love to have my normal back, back. Thank you.

I felt a sudden pain again. Like something was trying to get into my bones. I winced at the ache on my back but then the weight on my back suddenly gone. I opened my eyes slowly, examining myself on the mirror in awe.

"It's gone!"

"I told you that it would,"

"Shut up, you're no help!"

"Oh c'mon, it wasn't that hard anyway," He casually said. I glared sharply at him, stepping back when he tried to reach out to me. I shooed him away with my hand, slipping into the bathroom quickly as he tried to catch me.

I stood in front of the mirror, watching the golden halo still hovering above my head. Do I have to do the same thing to make this hidden too? Or... is it different?

Whatever, let's try the former option first.

I closed my eyes again, internally talking to the golden halo above my head. I felt no pain, no noticeable difference, or whatsoever. I feel just the same. I peeked an eye open and to my surprise, the halo was gone. Woah was much easier and less painful then.

I twirled again, examining my now human form. I was still the same Gulf, the same lanky boy that slips over his own extremely long legs. But then, as I take another glance at my face, I notice the somewhat significant different. My jawline was much sharper, my skin looks more shimmering, and my eyes, the colour got more intense. I blinked them a few times, feeling amazed at my own eyes. Like, I know my eyes are great, above average even, but now that I see this form of me... Woah, it looks ten times better. Like, the real ocean of caramel was swirling in my eyes, ready to melt anyone that stare too long at it. I didn't even realise Mew has entered the room if it wasn't for him chuckling softly.


"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to see you looking like a fish out of breath," He said, chuckling again. I walked towards him, playfully punching his chest out of embarrassment.

"Shut up,"

"Are you amazed by your own beauty or something?"

"I never actually take notice of my face, okay!? Stop teasing me,"

"You should have look closer,"

"To what? My eyes?"


I did as tell, shoving my face closer like I was about to kiss the mirror. I stared at my own eyes, watching in confusion until I start to see wave's movement in my eyes. My pupils turn into this black hole kinda like a chocolate waterfall while the caramel-like colour around it looks like a pool of melted gold.

"M- Mew..." I trailed off quietly, still too dazed that my eyes could do such things. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me, followed by a chin placed on my right shoulder.

"I told you. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Oh my god, how could you know this?"

"Mine did the same, just a different thing."

"What's yours?"

"Fire, not the huge one but the flickers,"

"How could I never notice that before?"

"It appeared when you've opened your wings and you just open yours a few hours ago, so..."

I turned myself in his arms, watching his eyes carefully.

"Will there be something else if I discover myself furthermore?"

"It depends actually, for some people their 'change' just got more prominent and noticeable, for some they can get another few changes,"

"Why have I never notice yours?"

"I don't know, I just hid it pretty well I guess,"

"Can you show me? Like I mean, you have nothing to hide now, do you?"

"Sure, it wasn't that different though, so don't expect too much," I nodded my head at him, examining him carefully. I saw the fire's flickers in his eyes got more noticeable like it was ready to set me on fire at any second. His cheekbone and jawline got extremely sharper, while a dark aura glowed around him.

I reached my hands out to touch his cheek, instantly hissing when I feel how cold it is. I cupped his cheeks slowly, astonished by the beauty in front of me. I know that I've admitted how he was so bloody handsome before, but now, he's just... oh my god. I heard his chuckle at my reaction, guessing that I probably look like 'a fish out of breath'.

"Dammit, you're hot as fuck!"

"Eh, talk to yourself, Bii."

"No, seriously Mew, you're... holy fuck!"

"Wanna know something cooler?"

"Yes, yes! Please!" I rapidly nodded my head, don't even give a fuck if I looked like a child. He twisted his attention to something behind me, and I slowly follow his gaze that was locked with the candle by the bath. I saw the candle get lit one by one, making my jaw instantly hit the floor.

"D- did you just..."

"Maybe, you should try too,"

"Wha- I- how?"

"Put your focus on the candle, and it'll happen,"

"O- okay, I'll... I'll try,"

I put all of my focus on the candle, not knowing the slightest bit about what would happen. I saw them get unlit all at once, a loud 'buzz' was heard like someone just poured some water over it. I turned my body to face Mew again once they all died, asking for confirmation.

"That was good, though you have to control it a bit more,"

"Did I... Was it me?"

"Yeah, you have water, while I have the fire. If you're a full demon, you'll get fire too like me, but since you're a half-angel and somehow your mother's ability dominant your power, you got the water."


"You sure do say that a lot lately," He said, chuckling again.

"I- I just..."

"I know, it can be a bit overwhelming I guess,"

"How could you know?"

"I don't, I just assumed. Now c'mon, let's go to bed and stop gasping like a fish,"

"I'm not gasping like a fish, mind you!" I exclaimed with a slight glare, making him chuckle again.

"Sure, Bii, whatever you wanna believe." He said, waving his hand in dismissal before he left me in the bathroom.


"I heard that, princess!"

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