So it was you then!?

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"Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matter is, who are you!?" I spat back harshly,

"Me? You don't know me? I'm Ann Amanda Auarouse, Mammon's daughter."


Who the fuck is this Mammon guy? She looks so proud to be his daughter? Is he someone important? But mostly though, am I supposed to know who the hell is he?

I was about to send another remark, but Mew held his hand in front of me, silently telling me to shut my mouth. I stopped at his order, not knowing what was gonna happen but still respecting his order.

"Ann, this is Kana. Kanawut Alexander Lucifer, Kana Lucifer's son." Her eyes widened at Mew's words, a loud gasp leaving her mouth before she claps her hand to cover it.

"You... you... that's impossible! You were... you were supposed to be dead!"

"Oh, is he?"

"He... He, I- I send..."

"Oh... so it was you then?"

"M- Mew? What is she... talking about?" I stuttered out softly, afraid that I cross some kind of boundaries.

"Tul, Max, send her to Lucifer, tell him that she's the person. I'll have some words with her later, so don't do anything yet."

"Will do,"

"Thanks. And love? Follow me will you? I owe you another explanation,"

"You can't just expect me to obey you after what she said! Tell me!"

"I will, just not here,"

"No, Mew, I wanna know!"

"You will soon if you just follow my lead,"

"But, Mew-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence once Mew turned around, his eyes darker than ever, coated with nothing but pure rage. My eyes widened in shock as my feet tried its best to not walk backwards.

"Princess, be a good one, will you?"

"So- sorry..."

"Good. C'mon, baby. We'll meet your dad after this," He said, smiling warmly like he didn't just turn into something else seconds ago. I nodded my head hesitantly, quietly following him into the huge castle.

He led us to a room, probably just as big as his room back in his house. He opened the metallic-purple door, letting me step inside first. I looked around the room in complete awe, taking in every single thing in here. A huge bed that probably fitted 5 grown-up people, two nightstands, wide and tall windows, two sets of a door that I guess would lead you to a closet and bathroom, and huge-ass TV, completed with game consoles and stereo.

I turned my attention to Mew, smiling in full excitement forgetting why we were here in the first place,

"Is this yours?"

"Nope, it's yours."


"Yup, your dad prepared this room for you when you were about to be born, but then he realises you couldn't live here because you'll end up killed by the angels."


"Let's take a sit, shall we?" Mew asked, patting the empty bed beside him. I carefully walked towards him, taking a seat on his lap instead. He smiled small at me, a bit unsure about my action. I draped my arms around his neck, smiling reassuringly at him,

"Promise me one thing, will you?"

"Sure, what's it?"

"No more secrets, no more hidden information, and no more forgotten details." I sternly told him.

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