Chapter 1: New member of the family

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On the outskirts of E-Rantel, a struggle can be heard in a chamber of a deserted house. A small girl with a long skinny tail is dodging attacks from a much bigger man zipping into different corners of the dark room.

"Ahhhh, stay still, you little monster! You're making this way harder than it needs to be," the man grunted out in frustration as he braced for another attack.

The only thing that could be heard from the girl was a feral growl as she raised her clawed hand, a blue flame forming around it as she flung the flame at her approaching target. All that could be heard through the darkened night was the pained screams of another dying adventurer.

~ ~ ~ ~
A few days later

Ainz and Narberal were walking down a faded dirt path leading to an old house said to hold a vicious demon. With only the full moon to guide them, they had hoped for something interesting, especially if it would raise their rank faster. He was kind of surprised that the quest he picked was within their range of choice, considering how many had already died trying to complete this quest, but who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth?

"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but is this worth your time?" Narberal questioned.
"Of course, it proves as a source of entertainment, and what did I say about calling me Lord Ainz? It's Momon when we're out adventuring." Ainz bellowed.

Narberal flinched back, bowing in submission. "I apologize for my slight of tongue; I shall correct myself accordingly."

"No, it's quite alright; we are alone, but I do want us to keep in the habit of using our adventuring names. Now, about our current task: I want you to be on guard, even though it may pose no danger to us. I still don't want us to be caught unaware; whatever we're facing has already killed ten adventurers." Aniz changed the subject to their current mission.

This quest was a high risk due to the amount of casualties and damage done by a supposed demon taking residence in an abandoned house on the edge of town.

"If this demon proves to be worth the time, I'd like to offer them a place in Nazarick," Aniz stated. As the two make their way to the front door ready themselves for whatever lies behind the door. Opening the door they are welcomed to an eerily quiet dusty home.

' Whoa, this place is giving off mad haunted house vibes we should be cautious just in case.' Aniz thought feeling a little off-put at the dark home he cast a minor detection spell on the home.

" Hmm, I sense a very large source of magic coming from upstairs. Be on guard this quest may be worth more than I've thought." Aniz says while his armor clanks lightly he heads upstairs with Narberal close behind ready to strike.
As they made it to the top of the steps a tiny shadow could scuttling across the hall to the room in the far end of the hallway.

'Ok, that wasn't creepy at all.' Aniz unnoticeably flinches back before following the shadow into the back room. As they make their way into the tiny form could be seen huddled in a corner staring at them through narrow eyes. Upon both Ainz and Narberal noticed that the tiny form was nothing but a little girl with platinum hair and ruby eyes baring her sharp canine teeth in what seemed to be threatened anger.

"The demon they wanted us to take care of was a child," Ainz says softly to not frighten her than probably already is.

" Do you want me to take care of it for you, Lord Ainz?" Narberal asks, at her words the young girl raises her clawed hand to form a blue flame. Her tiny form crouched lower to the ground displaying her long skinny tail as it whipped the air creating a quiet cracking, as it moved through the air.

"What no, let's talk to them first. I would rather not end the life of a child as young as she, besides she looks more scared if her stance is anything to go by." Ainz says as he tries to make his huge form less intimidating to the young girl.

'When I cast my detection spell I felt some pretty intense magic that would rival some of the floor guardians, but I think this is coming from a child.' Ainz ponders a bit thinking over the situation before speaking to the girl once more.

" It's OK we're not here to hurt you just talk if that's OK with you." Ainz pauses to let the girls speak but she doesn't seem too willing.

" Can you speak, it's OK if you can't, you can release your spell, we're not here to hurt you. My name is Momon and this is my partner Nabe." He says holding up his hands in a sign of peace. The girl stares at them for a bit, as if contemplating the thought before extinguishing the flame.

"You lie, you're just like the others who wanted to hurt me just because of how I look. I didn't hurt anyone, well not anyone that didn't deserve it." The girl growls out seething with disdain.

" I promise you that may have been my intention at first, but looking at the situation now that is something I can't go through you're completely safe," Ainz states truthfully, even though his words started off harsh the girl seemed to calm down a bit.
" If you're not here to kill anyone then what do you want? " She questions looking at the two in confusion.

" You have a strong magical presence that honestly
took me for a surprise when I found it was someone as young as you."Ainz answered

" Hey I'm six I'm old enough to be strong as all those stupid adventures came by and I learned magic by watching them. It wasn't that hard, it only took a couple of tries." The little girl pouts as she crosses her arms in a defiant gesture painting a cute picture for the other two in the room.

' She learned how to use a fireball just by watching somebody. Hmm, that's pretty impressive, especially for someone as young as her' Ainz thinks, really impressed that the girl learned a 3rd tier spell so young.

" Then it's decided, would you like to come with me? I could give you a home and a family if that is what you desire. I would also like to teach you higher tiers of magic." Aniz says

"Y-you would want a monster like me?" The girl looks up in surprise. Ainz lets out a sigh as he takes off his helmet, revealing his skeletal face as he says " You're no more a monster than I and I would gladly take you on as my student and hier." The little girl stares up with tears in her eyes, startling the two adults who think they have upset her in some way when all of a sudden she leaps into Ainz's arms, causing him to stumble, a bit due to the unexpected new weight.

"I would love to come with you." the girl looks up at them with the biggest smile on her face.

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