Chapter 12: No more conflict

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It wasn't over how is it still going. This was the only thought running through Erika's mind as the mirror cleared showing a completely unscathed Shalltear in a now desert plane.

Shalltear steadily walks towards Ainz but stops. He looks to be saying something to her because her face shows nothing but anger and confusion. She charges in to stab him only for him to pull off his ragged robes to reveal what she thought was the prettiest set of armor she had ever seen. It shined like silver, there was a design on the chest plate that surrounded a blue gemstone. It even came with a red cape that flowed over his left shoulder.

Cocytus leaned forward slamming his hand on the table as a cold mist left him sending a shiver down Erika's back. "Impossible, I thought that armor was lost forever!"

"It does look familiar." Albedo stated in awe.

"Why is Papa's pretty armor important or something?" Erika questioned.

"Yes it was the armor of Lord TouchMe, another Supreme Being. His armor could only be worn by a world champion class warrior. Lord Ainz is a caster!" Cocytus explained.

"Perfect warrior." The group turns their attention to Demiurge as he explains what happened. "The spell Lord Ainz just used. It allows him to change to the warrior class and use their equipment without penalty."

"Wow, that's so cool!" Erika exclaimed looking at her Papa in awe.

"Still the fact that he can don champion armor is astounding!" Cocytus praised alongside her.

"Ahh, my beloved is truly wonderful." Albedo moaned out, hugging herself close.

Erika gave her a weird look before turning her gaze back to the mirror. "Look Papa pulled out a cool sword." Just when she had pointed it out Ainz stabbed Shalltear in the chest. The sword sparked with electricity as she slid herself free.

"That sword belonged to Lord Warrior Takemikazuchi!" Cocytus pointed out to her.

Ainz charged forward, stabbing Shalltear through the hand destroying her entire left arm. Thinking he was left wide open, Shalltear thrusted her lance towards Ainz. Which caused him to quickly drop the sword, switching to twin daggers.

Erika watched on in excitement as her Papa from one weapon to another as she asked Cocytus about each weapon. Each weapon had represented a past member of her Papa's guild. Each weapon seemed so amazing she couldn't imagine how cool the owners were. Maybe she'll ask about it sometime.

"Lord Ainz is victorious." Cocytus declares.

"Excuse me, how can you know that the way I see this fight is easily far from being over."

"Shalltear has given up defense and has put everything into offense. It's a desperate tactic. I would make the same choice were I in her position." The insectoid explains. During everything Cocytus had begun to subconsciously pat Erika's head.

"Papa is switching weapons too fast; she can't keep up."

"That is right since Shalltear can't predict which weapon he'll use next; it's impossible for her to know how to defend against it. One step in the wrong direction could put her right in the path of his next attack." Albedo agreed she appeared to have calmed down but she would squirm every so often. " And the bow's range forces her to fight closer. She has no choice. All she can do is dodge his attacks and hope to survive.He has her cornered."

Demiurge nodded at the information given. "Thank you. Now I understand the situation. Since Shalltear has completely given up on defense Lord Ainz has decided to deploy the axe."

"Blood sucking meat devourer!" Cocytus chimes in causing Erika to giggle.

"Thank you Cocytus. Anyway the axe itself is highly unbalanced. Its size and weight causes the wielder to swing without accuracy. But since Shalltear has gone purely offensive it's no problem." Demiurge continues.

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