Chapter 16:Useless Killing

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The group exited the gate entering into a wooden building that Erika could only guess is where Cocytus has been living for the past week. Victim separates from the group giving Ainz a bow. "If that is all Lord Ainz I will take my leave and return to my duties in the Great Tomb."

"Outstanding work Victim. Keep the first floor of Nazarick safe until we return." Ainz praises them.

"Yeah take care, maybe we can play later okay," Erika added.

"That would be most joyous for my lady. I shall protect the tomb with my life." With that last declaration, Ainz opened a small portal for Victim to leave through.

"Sorry, the place looks so shabby Lord Ainz." Aura apologized. " When I heard you were coming I kind of panicked and turned it into a rush job."

"It's okay big sister Aura, this place looks great. Right, Papa?" Erika looked at her papa expecting him to agree to make Aura feel better.

"Ahh, yes you built this place for me out of love and devotion. in my eyes, it's on par with even Nazarick." Ainz complemented, Erika gave her papa's bony cheek a pat when Aura's eyes lit up. "That being said, I have to ask what is that?"

Ainz turned to point at something. Leaning back in her papa's arms a literal skeleton throne came into view.

"Plain though it may be, it seemed only right to prepare a throne for you," Demiurge explained. Erika tapped her papa's shoulder signaling that she wanted to be put down. Once on the ground, she made her way over to the chair to inspect it further.

"And ... the bones?" Ainz asked slowly as he watched Erika poke at it as if the chair was going to spring to life any minute.

"We assembled the best parts of various animals. Griffins, wyverns, and the like." He answered.

"Papa is going to sit in gonna seat made of papa? Creepy." Erika stated looking up at her papa weirdly.

'Please don't judge me, I'm not the one who picked this! But she's right, those are human skulls I can't sit on that!' Ainz cried out internally before calming himself down.

Suddenly getting an idea Ainz clapped his bony hands. "Shalltear." He spoke gaining the vampire's attention. "I promise you punishment, didn't I? This is the perfect time to administer it. Your humiliation. Get down on your hands and knees."


"Brilliant, my lord, I'm in awe." Demiurge praises. A quiet growl of anger could be heard coming from Albedo. And Erika could only look at her papa with an emotion that she couldn't quite categorize.

Ainz had seated himself upon Shalltear's back as a way to avoid sitting on the skeletal throne. Erika could only watch the scene with confusion as she stared at Shalltear heavily breathing form underneath her papa.
"Sorry, Demiurge I'm afraid the throne will go to waste." Ainz apologized.

"It could never compare to this lord Ainz. A Guardian as your throne? truly such a set is worthy of a Supreme Being, for it could be claimed by no other! This is inspiring! I never would have thought of it!" Demiurge continues to praise.

"Is that so?" Ainz asked before glancing over at Erika shuffling further away from the group to stand by Aura and Mare. "Erika, wouldn't you prefer to sit instead of standing? Come." He tried to becon her over but she rapidly shook her head as she scooted further into Mare's glittery side giving him another weird look.

Ainz stiffened at her stare. ' That's it she thinks I'm a weirdo, a sick pervert! Please Erika forgive me!' He wailed before his emotions corrected itself.

"Lord Ainz. May I be excused from the room?" Albedo said softly, gaining his attention for the moment. "I will only be a moment."

"Hmmm, if you must go on." He agreed.

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