Chapter 23: Victory party

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Ainz was sitting in a corner glaring at Aspen as the boy happily chatted with Erika while she healed the injured. The boy had been attached to her ever since he had proclaimed "victory" making wide excited gestures as he explained his battles to her. Her pleading eyes had convinced him to stay a bit longer while everyone celebrated their victory and now he's sitting in some tavern watching his little girl heal one soldier after the next. Ainz could only let out a depressed sigh as he watched his little flame laugh at whatever the boy said as she moved on to the next injured celebrating soldier.

"I take it you're not too fond of your daughter's new friend?" A deep voice spoke from behind him. Ainz turned his attention away from his daughter, spotting the man who was accompanying Aspen.

"Is it that obvious?" Ainz's voice almost sounded a bit weary at the thought of someone noticing his disgruntled stare.

The tall burly man gave a deep chuckle as he claimed a set beside him. "Very much so, but I get it. It must be hard seeing your daughter so happy with a boy." He leaned back in his seat as he watched the two kids interact. "The name Wayland. Wayland Smith, your daughter, and Aspen came to my shop the other day looking to buy a bow for the little string bean. They stayed with me for the rest of the day until your father rushed in to pick her up for an emergency."

Ainz was confused for a moment about who he could be referring to as his father until he realized that the man was talking about Sebas. "Ah yes my Father did inform me of the situation, it was unfortunate that I couldn't be of any help but they were able to get things sorted and now he and his companion shall be moving closer to us."

"So your family's leaving the capital for good. I was thinking of moving myself. My shop's been destroyed and raided. It'll be nice to go somewhere new. I'm sure the kid would enjoy it when I ask him to come along. Especially when our destination will lead us to where Iris resides."

"You are considering taking Aspen with you? What would his parents say about that offer, surely they wouldn't agree?" Ainz looked at the man with confusion. It was such a quick decision to make especially after such an event had taken place.

"Neither of you has been here very long so it makes sense that you two wouldn't know but Aspen is an orphan."


"Yeah, he's one of the few that wander the shopping district looking for easy jobs. And I don't really blame them. There are so many kids in the orphanage that it's hard to keep up with them, let alone get them things that they actually need."

Ainz's solemn stare deepened as he watched the kids laugh with each other as Erika moved on to her next patient. As sad as the kid's situation sounds, Ainz couldn't bring himself to care. He's recently realized that about himself and he felt like he should be bothered by the lack of care for a life but he knows of the restrictions that come with being an undead. The lack of emotions should freak him out, but with the concealment, there is no outlet for him to take with every feeling he displays being blocked as soon as it's shown. But there is one thing that he noticed and that was his care for his daughter. Ever since he met the little demon his emotions for her were never hindered and he was thankful for that. He would give the world to her on a silver platter if she asked for it. So if this boy was so important to her he would care for now.

"Well, it will bring my little one great joy to hear that her new friend will be moving closer to her. It shall be good for both of them I suppose."


"I'm telling you Wayland was so cool! He was like SWISH and then there was this big ugly demon that tried to sneak up on us but it was no use because Wayland saw him and was like KERPLANG! OH! And he gave me these cool arrows to fire at the big monster that were SO COOL! I fired an arrow at its face and it went KABOOM! And its whole head was in ice! It was soon cool!" Erika let out a giggle as Aspen told her the events that happened when he was with Wayland. She shook her head at his excitement; he had barely taken a breath during his whole explanation. She was kind of worried that she would have to heal him again but this time for lack of oxygen.

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