Chapter 27: Guests in Nazarick

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Erika was skipping happily down the hallway to her papa's office. She had finally gotten Ryuu comfortable enough for his stay in Nazarick. She ended up scrapping the idea of keeping him on the seventh floor because apparently it was too hot for him to live there. She really didn't get it though the place was fine for her but Ryuu was turning extremely red and there was even smoke so too hot for snakes she guessed. She ended up finding a nice cave with a giant flat boulder in the front of it that was sitting directly in the sunlight on the sixth floor. It was perfect she even asked Aura and Mare to take care of him because of how skinny he was.

She gave a light knock on the door nodding as a maid opened it greeting her with a smile to which she returned. Upon entering the room she was greeted by both her papa and her Uncle Demiurge talking about the paper in the older demon's hand. "Ah, Erika, my little flame just the person I needed. Come tell me what you think of this menu it would be for a human man and woman. Maybe also a child."

Demiurge passed the menu he had been reading to her. Skimming the list, she scrunched up as half of things were hard to understand. "If those who come here aren't a king and queen then I think this menu will be hard to understand." She gave her papa an exasperated look of course he didn't know what to fix for normal people. He doesn't eat at all. She was used to the weirdly named foods that she would eat. She knew from the start that the foods served to her were that of the rich. But knowing her papa he didn't know a lot of people so the humans had to be what the rich would call of common or peasant wealth.

She gave the menu another glance, squinting one item in particular. "What is fo-ie grass?" The two men moved to answer her but were waved off by her instead. "Nevermind, all of this is much too complicated for a menu. Papa the concept of a party is to make friends not to shove the fact that you have money in their face. If you're trying to impress them you don't have to work this hard for it trust me. Especially if a kid is coming."

"What a wise suggestion Lady Erika!" Demiurge praised

"Thank you Uncle Demiurge. You know papa I host a lot of tea parties so I can help you with the menu if you want!" She walked around the desk placing the menu in front of Ainz before raising her hands in a signal of wanting to be picked up.

Ainz chuckled, complying with her commands and placing her on his lap. "I would be most grateful to have an expert directing me."

"Yeah! Uncle Demiurge, do you want to help us too?"

"It would be my honor to assist you with your plans, my Lady." Demiurge bowed tail swaying pleasantly showing how happy he was to be included.

As the three reworked the menu Erika rejecting a good portion of their over the top meal plans Ainz received a [ message] from Entoma.


<Yes lord Ainz I received a report from Lupusregina.>

<Thank you. It seems she's passed the first test.> He comments as he watches Erika chastise Demiurge for over complicating the menu's description. He shook his head as Demiurge bowed deeply, asking forgiveness.

<Also she has requested permission to enter battle.>
Entoma continues regaining his attention.

<Granted. She is to do whatever is necessary. I want her to protect those three with her life.> Ainz replied ending the [Message] returning to planning their evening meal with Erika and Demiurge.


The next day saw Erika in her prettiest dress ,a blue  sleeveless puffy princess dress, ready to meet their guests while sitting on her papa lap. She didn't know why but the throne room was brighter today. The chandelier seemed to sparkle as the light it provided bounced off the freshly polished floors. Her papa had assembled a group of maids to line up parallel with each other leading up to his seat. He was even wearing a mask and gloves. She even had to change her eye color to the emerald green she normally has when adventuring. Her only thought about his added attire was. 'Papa looks really silly with that mask on but maybe it's to hide his face so he doesn't scare our guests?'

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