Chapter 13: Her own outing

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"How long is this going to take? I'm bored!" Erika groaned, laying across her Papa's shoulder. The two were out as their adventurer personas hunting down a giant basilisk. More like they let Hamsuke find and chase the beast to them.

Once again the three had moved up in rank, adamantite was the name of the black plate she wore as a necklace. She didn't know why she moved up in rank but the praise and attention she was getting from the villagers and guild members was fun. Ok so she knew her Papa was a lair was her only thought as he told her that the guild thought she and Narberal helped fight Shalltear.

In the distance a giant dust cloud could be seen growing closer to the group. Squinting her eyes, Erika could make out Hamsuke whipping his tail at the beast.
"Papa, look there they are!" She pointed happy that her boredom will finally be over.

"Masters sorry to keep you waiting I am. Bring the giant basilisk to you I shall." The giant hamster stated proudly as the two beasts were closing in.

Ainz hands Erika to Narberal before getting into a ready stance. "Why can't I kill the monster? I'm getting good at spells." Erika complained

Narberal nods in agreement, " Yes Mr.Momon there is no need to lower yourself. This beast would make great target practice for lady Iris."

"As much enjoyment that would bring me, I'm my little one  doesn't want to hit Hamsuke. Your attacks deal widespread damage." Ainz explained while Erika rappiedly shook her head as she worriedly thought about a crispy Hamsuke.

Ainz swung his sword, slicing the basilisk in half. "So cool Papa!" Erika praised as Narberal placed her on the ground so she could run to her Papa. Ainz puffed out his chest striking different heroic poses for Erika as she giggled laughing at his silliness. Narberal watched her two masters have fun with a pleased smile.

Hamsuke feeling left out bounded over to his mistress nudging her shoulder with his head. "How did I do mistress?" The hamster asked.

Giggling once more, Erika scratched Hamsuke's chin. "You were amazing, Hamsuke, we couldn't have done it without you." She continued to praise the hamster as she rubbed her fingers through his thick fur.

"Hmmp, I beg to differ things could go a lot smoother without that rodent." Narberal scoffed

The two were in a trance as Hamsuke blissfully rolled on his back as his mistress would rub his belly.

"Come now Nabe, don't be like that Hamsuke is a valued member of our team." Ainz scolded her. He watched two in amusement as Hamsuke began to squirm in enjoyment as Erika scratched different spots. He noticed how tangled the hamster's fur was something he'll have someone else deal with later but he also noticed something else or should he say didn't notice. 'Holy crap how did I not notice that before!'

"It seems like our Hamsuke is full of surprises!" He says confusing the others.

"Huh what do you mean by that, Papa." She says inspecting her hamster friend trying to see what her Papa sees.

"Wish our dear Hamsuke would have corrected us but it seems Hamsuke is a girl not a boy." He exclaimed as he walked over to the two crouching down to their level.

"What Hamsuke is this true?! Why wouldn't you say anything?!" Erika yelled in dismayed, the two adults could only shake their heads as she began to lightly hit Hamsuke.

"Rude it would be to correct my mistress."  Hamsuke said in a teary voice. The now known female hamster couldn't stand seeing her mistress in distress and because of her noless.

"But to be called a boy is rude to you, always speak up about things or else how am I supposed to take care of you?" Erika argues as she stands up pouting and crossing her arms in anger.

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