Chapter 20:Weapon of choice

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Erika sat in her room glaring at the door. She couldn't leave due to Solution blocking the door and her room lacked any windows. She let out a huff rolling over to cuddle her papa bear teddy. She couldn't bring herself to take her anger out on her favorite teddy no matter how much it looked like her papa.

There was a quiet knock on her door but she ignored it hoping whoever it was would take the hint and go away. But it seemed like her visitors didn't care because they came in anyway.

"Erika." The soft deep voice of her papa echoed through the quiet room. He was the last person she wanted to talk to.

"Erika, please my little flame. Look at me." She could hear the hurt in his voice but she refused to respond.

"I realize the pain I've caused you. My actions were inexcusable, but I will not apologize for what I've done." Erika tensed at his words she wanted to yell at him but somehow she knew that's what he wanted so she let him continue. " This was a punishment for Sebas, one that I deemed appropriate for him among others. Your safety was his top priority and I know that you may think you can handle your own but you're still a child. My child and nothing else matters more than your safety."

She felt the bed shift under her papa's weight as he sat down with a sigh. He moved around probably trying to get comfortable before he rested his hand on her shoulder. " I still stand by what I said when we first spoke of this. They are creatures that you may pity but you should never grow attached. They are fragile creatures with short lives but they use that time to destroy anything different from them. No matter if they pose a danger to them or not."

Ainz stared at his daughter's tense frame hoping for a reaction but she still refused to give him one. Did these creatures have this much of an effect on her? He thought back to the swords of darkness and the Clementine fight. It was the first time he saw her anger towards a human but also her compassion. There are plenty of others in Nazarick who share the same views as her but they are loyal only to him.  She could leave anytime she chooses without giving him a second glance. 'No don't think like that. It would never happen. She may be angry now but she still loves me. Come to think of it, we've never uttered those words before. Ahh, what kind of father am I? Wait, there was something else I wanted to tell her.'

"I've decided that your human friend can stay in Nazarick." He felt Erika's body shift so that she was facing him. He felt the urge to smile as he spotted Papa Bear clutched in her arms. It seems that she couldn't be too mad at him if she was still holding her favorite teddy. She usually just throws it when she is mad at him. "She will be under Sebas' care and shall entertain you whenever you wish. I promise no harm shall come of her."

"What about others?" Erika whispered. Ainz perked up at the sound of her voice. He nudges her in encouragement to elaborate on her feelings. "I don't want to hurt people who don't deserve it. Seeing them in so much distress reminds me of before you had found me.  No one ever wanted to give me a chance; they either wanted me as a pet or to just kill me."

"Erika I can't promise that no one will be hurt especially when Nazarick is discovered." Erika looked up at him tearfully. " The majority of Nazarick's occupants have a vast hatred for humans. But what I can do is instruct them to not harm civilians."

Erika thought about her Papa's proposal. It made sense for him to promise the safety of civilians considering soldiers will do anything for their country so it was safe to say they would put up a fight just like the Lizardmen. She nodded, sitting up to fully face him. "Ok but if they surrender you have to accept it. How are you supposed to rule the world or something if there is no one left."

Ainz let out a deep chuckle as he brought her in for a hug. He noticed the tension in her body before it slowly bled away. "I will see that we do. Now there's another topic that I want to bring up. We will be heading back to Nazarick tonight while Sebas and Solution finish their final task here before they and Tsuare return as well."

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