Chapter 26: Giant of the East and Demon Snake of the West

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Ainz sat at his desk tapping away as he stared at a nervous Lupusregina shifting uncomfortably. In the room waiting patiently for him to speak were also Albedo, Aura, and Narberal. He couldn't help the agitation he felt at that moment. Against his better judgment and the strength of Erika's puppy dog eyes, he allowed Erika to stay in E-Rantel with Wayland and Aspen while he and Narberal handled the Carne Village incident with the promise of picking her up when he was done.

He had completely forgotten about his conversation with Wayland until he showed up at the guild. Ainz released a frustrated growl that sent a shiver down the spines of the surrounding women as remembered the hug his darling little flame had given the little brat. Arms wrapped firmly around the boy's neck, her face snuggled under his chin due to their height difference. The brat awkwardly placed his hands around the middle of her back, his growing red with how close she was. Ainz mentally dared the little bastard's hands to travel any lower he wouldn't care about reputation; at that point, he would end the boy's life if he decided to get handsy.

Ainz rubbed his forehead as if to rid himself of an oncoming headache. He needed to get back on track. He was in his office for a reason. "Lupusregina." He fixed the red-haired maid with a stare. "Do you have any idea why I called for you?"

Lupusregina straightened her stance when she was spoken to. "No." She spoke nervously.

"Have you heard about the movements being made by the monsters known as the Giant of the East and the Demon Snake of the West?"

"I have but I didn't believe it was worth reporting to the Supreme One."

Ainz gave a disappointed sigh. "So you knew?"

"I did, but as I said-"

"You fool!" She was quickly cut off by Ainz's angered outburst. She flinched back as Ainz was engulfed in a green aura quickly calming him down but not completely. "Why did you not report this at once? Was it your aim to conceal the information?"

"N-No! Nothing like that I promise you!" She pleaded. "I simply thought it was beneath your notice."

Ainz's fist came down heavily on his desk causing everyone to flinch back. " Lupusregina Beta! I am thoroughly disappointed in you!" His hand was once again on his face trying to will away the ache that had buried itself into his skull. 'She failed at basic communication. That's completely unacceptable. Wait...'

"Lupusregina I'm curious. Do you understand why Carne Village is valuable to Nazarick?" He questioned. He had a feeling as to why the red-headed maid didn't find the information about the village too important but he wanted her to confirm it.

"Well yes you've used it previously for experimentation and um... oh there are lots of fun toys there for Lady Erika to enjoy?"

Ainz sagged into his set and he knew the reasoning had been his fault. "Ah, I see my apologies." He spoke tiredly. "The mistake here is mine. I didn't realize you thought so little of the place. Allow me to take back my words. I should not have called you a fool. Forgive me."

Lupusregina bowed, "Please say no more my lord, it was my fault for being stupid."

"Alright in that case, just be more careful next time. Now then, I'll explain again, so pay close attention. That village is very valuable to us. Especially that boy, Nfirea, and his grandmother Lizzie. They are of great importance to Nazarick. The two of them are in the process of developing a new potion for me." Ainz explained. Lupusregina let out a gasp as she reached into her dress pocket pulling out a vial of purple liquid.

"Right, I forgot. I was supposed to give this to you lord Ainz." She placed the vial into Ainz's awaiting hand. He lifted the bottle closer to his face giving it an experimental shake as he gave a hum of curiosity. "It's a potion. A new one Nfirea created and asked me to pass on to you."

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