Chapter 9:Tales of Betrayal

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Erika sat on her papa's lap as he replaced her copper plate with a green one. They were promoted once they returned to the guild. She didn't know what it meant but she was happy to be rewarded even though all she did was kill a few undead. That's ok though she will get stronger so she could fight bigger bad guys next time.

Erika hopped down from her Papa's lap making her way towards the singular table in the room. Balancing on her toes she grabbed the dagger that once belonged to Ninya letting out a saddened sigh she plopped down on the floor as she listened to her Papa and Narberal converse.

"There insolence knows no bounds!"Narberal said in anger

"It's fine Nabe as we speak the surviving soldiers are spreading the tale of our strength and valor all across E-Rantel. The boost that would give in our status make's getting Mythril rank a moot point."Ainz explained

"Alright so what do we do about the boy and his grandmother?" Narberal asked

Erika perked up at the mention of Nfirea . She hopped up and ran over to her Papa giving him her biggest smile before asking, "They can stay with us right Papa? It would be much safer for them."

Ainz released a low chuckle as he patted her head in affection. "While I do agree that Nazarick is the safest place I'm afraid they won't be coming along with us. They will be better suited in Carne Village since Lizzy said she would give me everything her skills in potion making will be of great service for all of Nazarick."

Erika was a little disappointed at her Papa's response. It would have been nice to have Nfirea around but she guessed that would be helpful in Carne Village. She remembered there was a girl there he wanted to protect so it made sense that the two would stay there.

"Oh right I need to contact Albedo."

<Message >

<Lord Ainz I'm afraid I must report that Shalltear Bloodfallen has betrayed us.>

Erika gasped in surprise as Ainz quickly picked her up, turning to Narberal, " Shalltear has betrayed us. I want you to stay here and keep an eye on things while I handle this situation."

Both Erika and Narberal look upon him in shock before she nods in agreement. Without another word Ainz teleports away with Erika securely on his shoulders.

Arriving in Nazarick's throne room Erika could help but think about what her Papa meant when he said Shalltear betrayed them. During her stay here she had spent the least amount of time with the vampire but she knew that Shalltear would never abandon them right? In the middle of her thinking she noticed Albedo quickly approaching them as she sat perched on her Papa's lap.

"Auntie Albedo is it true that Auntie Shalltear is gone?"

"Yes young mistress I'm afraid I must report that Shalltear Bloodfallen has betrayed us."

Ainz let out a thoughtful hum as he lifted his hand. "[Master Source,Open]" Erika looked down as she noticed a list of the floor guardians' names popped up. Looking down the list she came across the name she was looking for, "There is Auntie Shalltear's name, why is it red? Is this why she left us?" She asked

"After we lost contact with her, l checked the Master Source and found this abnormality. And the vampire brides that accompanied her have both perished." Albedo explained

"Is there any chance she could have died?" Ainz questioned, Erika looked at her Papa in shock, how could he say such a terrible thing and why did he sound so hopeful. Maybe there was something she wasn't seeing.

"If that was the case her name would disappear from the list. Unfortunately that hasn't happened." Albedo replied in a woeful tone.

Ainz sat there in silence thinking over the information, 'She's got a point, if we were still in Yggdrasil this status marker would indicate that a third party has used mind control magic and temporarily turned our NPC into an enemy. But that would be impossible. Since Shalltear is an undead, she has a passive that nullifies all forms of mind control.' Looking towards Albedo he placed a hand subconsciously on Erika's head, "From what we've gathered there are talents and martial arts in this world that didn't exist in Yggdrasil. Is it possible that she has fallen under the influence of one of them?"

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