Chapter 3: a brand new adventure

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Ainz was standing in front of the assignment board with Erika on his shoulder so she too could see the board trying to find a new quest. She's wearing a concealment ring to hide her demon appearance and a porcelain white mask to hide her face. She had also decided a cute little red sundress and black cloak with red undertones would be a perfect adventuring outfit but didn't have the heart to tell her to wear something else. He decided to take her with him so she could learn to use her magic on the field but also because some of the spells the floor guardians decided to teach her were a bit destructive.


It had been a week since Ainz had found Erika and she had in that time frame learned plenty of new spells. Ainz was looking for her hoping to spend some time with her before having to complete more paperwork. Erika spent most of her time hanging around Demiurge when she was not with him. He was even the first one to be given the title of uncle by Erika much to the despair of Cocytus.

' Maybe Demiurge took her to the 6th floor for spell practice; she gained quite the arsenal in such a short time. Ahh, she is such a little genius.' Ainz thinks as he teleports to the 6th-floor arena.

As he enters the arena he notices half the arena is covered in flames while the other is in medium to large size creators, he feels an intense heat coming from above him. Looking up, he made eye contact with a giant flaming bird in the sky. The flaming chicken let out a screech before proceeding to divebomb him, panicking for a second. Ainz quickly threw up a shield. Surprisingly the bird managed to crack it before the sound of someone's frantic command to cease its attack was heard.

' What the hell is with this bird where did it even come from!?'

"PAPA ARE YOU OK?" He could hear Erika shout looking up; he could see her, Demiurge, and the bird that just tried to make him a midday snack descend to the ground to meet him.

"I'm fine little one pray tell where this bird came from," Ainz reassures Erika patting her head while he does so.

" Oh, Uncle Demiurge was teaching me <Summon Household>. It was really really hard at first but then poof Bob showed up. I'm sorry he attacked you. I don't know what happened. Bob say you're sorry to Papa." Erika says as turns to further reprimand the newly appointed Bob, who surprisingly genuinely looks upset, angering its master.

"Lord Ainz I am truly sorry had I known that the beast -"Demiurge bows as tries to apologize but Ainz stops him.

"It's quite alright Demiurge. He was frightened by my sudden appearance and was trying to protect Erika. Though he is quite strong and even put a crack in my shield, how many tries did it take Erika to learn."

"Oh yes the young mistress is much a brilliant spell caster as you are lord Ainz only took five attempts before summoning this Flamebird."


"I expect nothing less, especially with magic as powerful as hers but the bird explains to the chard half of the arena what were you teaching her that would cause such creators."

" She wanted to learn strong spells so she could join you when you go out as Momon so I thought teaching her <Meteor Fall> would be perfect. She's only able to create small meteors now but her improvement on the spell is rapidly increasing."


" I see learning a 10th tier spell puts her at least above level 80 that is good to know but Demiurge I encouraged you and the others to teach her 1st to 4th tier spells only because she's much too young for higher spells." Ainz pleaded not wanting to think about a six-year-old with an arsenal of high-tier spells.

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