Chapter 14:Daddy/Daughter Day

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Leaving Nazarick wasn't so hard after all though Erika wasn't too happy about her Papa lying once again. Ainz had told Albedo that they would be in E-Rantel completing missions for a couple of days which wasn't entirely a lie they would just be doing them another day. She decided to let it slide today because of her excitement, daddy/daughter day officially started when Ainz brought the two to a clearing.

Ainz decided that they should don their Momon and Iris looks just in case, since they were out in the open. Looking around the barren landscape Erika took notice of the various dummies lined up in the clearing.

Her whole body shook with excitement as she bounced around her Papa. "What are the dolls for Papa? Are we going to make them come to life, or OH turn them into giant teddies?!" Ainz laughed at his daughter's excitement. It was nice to see her curiosity is back in full swing.

"They're not dolls, my little flame they're testing dummies. With what I have planned today they will be very helpful."

Ainz reached into his inventory and pulled out a leather black journal. When the two were taking on the extra quest he decided that it would be best to write down any spells that would peak Erika's interest's. He found it interesting that she could learn a Druid healing spell, however basic the spell was, so he planned out a few spells to try with her. If everything turns out the way he thinks it would mean Erika is a high level magic caster that can learn skills outside of her job class.

Ainz flipped through the different sections of his journal, he divided the spells into different groups going from basic to ones that only his racial class are able to cast. 'Hmm I'd rather keep her away from any necromancy for now. Maybe we should start here, it's always good to start with the basics.' Ainz contemplates as he flips back to the beginning of his journal.

Clearing his throat Ainz gains the attention of Erika who had walked off to inspect the dummies further. Jumping at the sudden noise Erika hurries back to her Papa's side when she notices he's finished with his journal. "Now I know you're more attuned to the flame element but let's try this ice spell ok."

Ainz guides Erika back towards the dummies; she stands there face filled with determination. "First things first did you bring your staff?" He asked but already knew the answer. She always cuddled the thing as if it were a stuffed animal whenever she had the chance.

"Oh yeah it's right here! Am I going to finally learn how to use it?!" Erika bounced in place as her tail slipped out of her dress holding the staff.

"Yes, this arcane staff was very useful in my early years. It's quite easy to use an assist item. All I want you to do is when you're trying to use a spell to guide your magic through the staff. Okay?" Ainz explained, Erika nodded eagerly as she readied herself for the task.

"Good, now the first spell we are learning is [ Ice shards] . I'm not really good at explaining how spells work but I'll try. When using this spell try forming it the way you would fireball but just the opposite picture how cold and solid the ball should be and then launch it at the target." Ainz explained in an unsure tone.

Erika took a deep breath as she widened her stance, pointing to her target. Her eyebrows scrunched up in concentration as she thought about her papa's directions. Silence passed over them for a few minutes before a small deformed liquid-like sphere appeared in front of Erika's staff. The two watched in awe as the liquid sphere began to form diamond shaped crystals as it slowly froze. That awe quickly became despair when the liquid sphere popped before it could fully freeze.

"What nooo! I almost had it. I'm sorry Papa I couldn't do it. C-can I try again please I'll get it right this time! Promise!" Erika wailed tears pricking the sides of her eyes.

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