Love is...Waking Up in a Sewer

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(F/S/S) - Favorite School Subject
(F/S) - Favorite Sport

As (Y/N) slowly opened her eyes, she felt a sharp pain in her leg and a dull ache all over your body. Blinking away the blurriness, she tried to make sense of her surroundings. She was lying on a cot in what appears to be a sewer tunnel. She saw April and the turtle that April called 'Donnie' standing over her.

April noticed (Y/N) stirring and rushed over to her side. "Thank goodness you're awake!" she exclaims. "Donnie and I had to carry you back to the lair after the fight with that dog thing."

You struggle to sit up, wincing in pain. Donnie steps forward to help you. "Are you okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.

You try to speak, but your throat is dry and scratchy. "What happened?" you manage to croak out.

April fills you in. "You fought off the mutant that attacked me. Thankfully you were able to tire it out enough so Donnie could beat it up easily and get you patched up."

Donnie nods. "Yeah, I'm the tech guy of the group, so I fixed you up as best as I could. You had a pretty nasty cut on your leg, but I think it's stopped bleeding now."

You wince as you touch the bandage on your head. "Thanks, Donnie," you say gratefully. "I don't know what I would have done without you guys."

April smiles. "Donnie and I are just happy we could help. However, try staying away from attacking giant mutants. What were you thinking?"

"I had an adrenaline rush. I didn't want you to get hurt. Also, why did you get attacked?"

"I have no idea." April shrugged.

"The fact that you're not panicking about a turtle person is in the room with you is shocking." Donnie butted in.

"Well, April and I got attacked by a dog person today. I'm just happy you're not trying to kill me." (Y/N) said.

"The correct term is a mutant. But since you just woke up I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."

"Thanks." (Y/N) said sarcastically.

"You need to rest. Donnie and I are gonna get food. We'll be back." April said.

"I think I should stay and make sure her vitals are stable." Donnie said.

"Okay, ima head out to get pizza! Bye guys!" April shouted as she left the room (Y/N) and Donnie were in.

" you have any interests?" Donnie asked awkwardly.

"I like (F/S/S) and (F/S)."

"Oh, noice. I like tech and stuff."

An awkward pause ensued until (Y/B) broke the silence, "I know your using small talk to keep me distracted while you are making that antibiotic that your going to put on my leg. I'm guessing it's going to hurt a lot."

"You're very good at reading the room." Donnie said as he turned around with a piece of cloth dabbed with a cream that he was making in the counter, "this is gonna hurt."

Donnie rubbed the cream on (Y/N)'s leg and she bit her lip trying not to scream out of pain. When Donnie was done and the pain toned down, (Y/N) yawned.

"If you're tired you should probably sleep. I'll wake you when April arrived with the food, m'kay?"

"Okay. Thanks Donnie."

(Y/N) then fell asleep and Donnie left the room, sighing from the pressure of a social interaction with a human that wasn't April. He sprawled on the couch outside of his lab and groaned. The fight had taken a lot out of him and he was exhausted. He eventually fell asleep, he slept for about an hour until he heard the manhole cover move.

"Don! (Y/N)! I'm back!" April yelled from the ladder.

"(Y/N) is asleep." Donnie muttered before rolling off of the couch and waddling over to April, "I'll go wake her up."

"Don. Im sorry for bringing (Y/N) into this. I wanted her to meet you guys, I figured you two would get along. She doesn't seem to have too many friends anyway. I hope you understand." April said.

"It's chill." Donnie said before heading into the lab to see a peacefully sleeping (Y/N). Donnie smiled slightly and shook her shoulders, "(Y/N). April brought food." He whispered.

(Y/N) continued to sleep and didn't move one inch so Donnie just shrugged and left. He didn't want to bother her, and she needed rest. He was just going to enjoy his food and pass out on the couch.

The Anti-Romantics: A ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now