Love is...Waiting for an Answer

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It had been a few days since (Y/N) and Donnie's latest interaction. The competition thankfully wasn't for a couple of months, so Donnie and (Y/N) could think on it some more. She really wanted to do this competition, but if Donnie didn't want to, that was an issue.

(Y/N) was quickly scared out of her thoughts when her bus came to a stop in front of the school. (Y/N) waddled off the bus and into her first class. English.

(Y/N) had always thought she was well-rounded, but English always proved that theory wrong. She passed the class, but she struggled. It was also her lowest grade.

"Why do I have to start my day with this stupid class?" (Y/N) groaned.

The bell rang a couple of seconds after (Y/N) trudged into her class. She looked to her right to see April starting to sit down.

"April." She whispered.

"Huh?" April jumped then put her hand over her heart, "oh. Hey, what's up?"

"Do you know why Donnie treated me like garbage on the phone yesterday? Also, he was the same way when I was leaving, what's his problem?" (Y/N) paused, "it's not like I care or anything! I'm just curious."

"He did seem upset. I don't know why though." April mumbled.

April knew exactly why he was upset. He didn't even have to tell her and she knew. He had been waddling and being a loser all around the lair ever since (Y/N) left. She figured it was because he liked her, but he would never admit that. He would never admit that he liked something other than his work as a scientist. He was way too self-absorbed to even think of that.

"Class! Take your seats!" The teacher yelled, snapping April out of her trance while (Y/N) stared at her and waited for an answer.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and groaned, she'd have to wait and ask later.

The Anti-Romantics: A ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now